A Duke in Time (The Widow Rules #1) - Janna MacGregor Page 0,45

half hour later, after telling the sordid tale, Christian was the one who got up and refilled their glasses. “I’m waiting for Sykeston to answer my letters. I’m hoping he comes here soon. But how I can help Miss Blythe Howell, his third wife, keeps me up at night.”

“Wait. Beth?” Alert, Grayson lifted his gaze from his glass to Christian’s. “Beth is Miss Howell’s nickname,” the marquess said.

“Do you know her?” Christian stood, then started to pace. It was the only way he could keep his thoughts in order.

“I do. Our families were friends when we were little. I never cared for her self-centered brother, but Beth … is a rare individual. She possesses an impeccable character. She’s intelligent, hard-working, and cares for others.”

Christian stopped in front of the fire. “Sounds like you two have a history.”

Grayson shrugged.

It was common knowledge that the marquess had been trying to find an heiress to marry.

“If I’ve overstepped, forgive me.”

“You haven’t.” Grayson reclined and stared out the window. “I wanted to offer for her. Even talked to her brother. Shortly thereafter, I discovered the marquessate was practically bankrupt. She’s an heiress, but her brother didn’t approve of me. Thought I wasn’t good enough for her. What a farce that is. He has an uncanny ability to find the worst men as potential grooms.” His eyes widened when he realized what he’d said. “I didn’t mean that.”

Christian stayed any further apology by holding up his hand. “We both know how Meri was.”

Grayson exhaled. “I may not have money, but at least I would have cared for her and made damn sure she was happy.” His voice rose in frustration.

“I worry about her,” Christian confided. “She wants to stay hidden. If Sykeston marries Constance, then she is safe from ruin. But if word leaks about Katherine and Beth, then their reputations are in danger.”

He debated whether to tell Grayson all the story or not. But the hell with it. He was his friend and confidant. If anyone could help him sort out this mess with Katherine, it was the marquess.

“There’s even more.” Christian sat at his desk and ran both hands through his hair. Perhaps such a movement would wipe away the errant thoughts that had populated his mind since last night.

Grayson placed his empty glass on the desk and waited for Christian to continue.

“Last night I almost kissed Katherine.”

“That’s the first wife?”

“Yes.” Christian stood abruptly, then walked to the window. The elm tree in the courtyard captured his attention. It was the one that he and his mother had planted when he was five years of age. She’d died shortly thereafter. His mother had encouraged his love of botany. She had shared her passion for all things green, and now he wanted to do the same with his children one day. Twenty-five years later, his elm had flourished and stood taller than any other tree on the property. For some reason, it reminded him of Katherine. “She’s beautiful,” he murmured. “And kind.”

“Go on,” Grayson encouraged. “I can see you’re struggling with the attraction.”

“Lord Miles Abbott was invited to the dinner hosted by his sister. Seems Lady Woodhaven would love to see a match between Katherine and her brother.” He struggled not to put his fist through the nearest wall.

Jealously. That was the only way to explain it. Never had he experienced such an emotion because of a woman.

His heart contracted in his chest with a dull beat. But he’d suffered from jealousy before. His father’s fondness and favoritism for Meri. He swallowed the foul taste that marched up his throat.

“It goes against everything I stand for to want Katherine.” Christian turned around and looked to his friend. “She’s part of Meri, which makes her part of my father. Not to mention that the church doctrine frowns upon it.”

“The church wouldn’t interfere in this.” Grayson leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes. “Are you worried what others might think?”

His question went to the heart of the matter.

“It’s not as if this would be a unique situation under ecclesiastical law. Look at the marriage of the Earl of Sheridan. He married his brother’s widow. If you wed Meri’s widow, the marriage would not be void. Without an heir, there is no interested party who would bring suit.” Grayson nodded confidently. “Besides, the Prince Regent is so enchanted with you, he would intervene on your behalf, if necessary.” The assuredness in the marquess’s gaze made his eyes blaze. “I’d even introduce a bill in the

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