A Duke in Time (The Widow Rules #1) - Janna MacGregor Page 0,40

eyes made him even more handsome than she had thought previously. Though he didn’t move an inch, she could feel the power of his confidence and his composure.

But he hadn’t been that way earlier. With his speech this evening, he’d surprised her with his passion for wanting to help his men. He truly cared about them. He reminded her of a river that possessed careening currents and swirling eddies underneath its surface. Simply put, he was a man with untold depth beneath that calm demeanor.

“If you don’t want to discuss Abbott, that’s fine with me.” As if uncertain whether he could touch her again, he raised his hand slowly, then with the lightest of fingers, pushed a wayward curl behind her ear.

There was tenderness in his touch, or was she imagining it?

“Thank you for saying what you did in there. I made everyone on edge, and your words soothed the tension from the room.”

“It needed to be said.” She closed her eyes and released a breath. The warm, silken feel of his long fingers skating across her cheek made her want to lean into him.

“Those who haven’t been to war can’t truly understand what I was saying.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “But you did.”

How long had it been since a man had talked to her with such concern and kindness?

The answer was simple.


Of course, she and Meri had shared things, but it was all an act. She knew that now. Meri had cultivated the fine art of what to say along with when and where to hold a lady’s hand. There hadn’t been any true affection in his attentions.

But to think that Christian had any real concern for her was absolutely ridiculous. Kat straightened her shoulders. She always pushed forward and would do so now. Yet, there was no harm in enjoying his touch. Was there?

Of course not.

“The day we met, I found one of my men begging on the street. He had no job or home. I can’t tell you…” He took a moment to compose himself. “I don’t expect you to understand, but I can’t let that stand.”

She understood well enough. The indignity, not to mention the hopelessness, of being at the mercy of strangers and praying for kindness and a coin. How she wanted to tell him she understood more than he could imagine.

He drew his hand away. “I take it that you didn’t come to the party for Abbott but for Helen’s sake.”

“Among other reasons,” she said softly. She wanted to grab his hand and place it on her cheek again.

“What are those?” The deep rumble of his voice warmed her more than the whisky.

“Business, but mostly I’m here because you’re here. I have an answer for your proposition.”

“My proposition?” He leaned forward slightly and clasped his hands behind his back. His brown eyes seemed to shimmer in intensity as his gaze never left hers. “Sounds wicked.” His whisper floated around them in the night air before he laughed.

She couldn’t help but join in. He’d lost his earlier seriousness and replaced it with a playful attitude.

“My proposition that you help me find a way to employ my men?” His laughter faded, and a slow smile broke across his lips.

For an instant, she was breathless as her heartbeat sped up at the sight.

“Now, I’m intrigued. I assume it’s the right answer,” he teased.

“It is the right answer if it’s mine,” she volleyed in return.

Slowly, he lifted an eyebrow in challenge. “My, what confidence you possess.”

She shrugged and said offhandedly, “I’ve always found such a trait attractive.”

“As do I … especially in you.” His voice grew quiet, the hushed stillness interrupted by the gurgles of water.

Goose bumps covered her arms. Like a handsome giant ready to devour her, he stood before her. Instead of being frightened, she wanted to continue to poke and prod him until she found out what his weaknesses and limitations were. She wanted to jab him with questions until she finally uncovered the many layers that made him so unique.

She stared at his full lips and wished for something she shouldn’t. The air between them grew heavy, much like a storm ready to unleash its fury. They stood silent, considering each other.

Suddenly, the air sparked with something new, an energy that seemed to vibrate between them.

“You’re a spirited woman, Katherine. Sparring and teasing with you makes me feel alive in a way”—his voice turned sinfully dark—“I haven’t felt in years. I’m aware of my surroundings so much more, and that includes you.”


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