A Duke in Time (The Widow Rules #1) - Janna MacGregor Page 0,120

where?” Christian tightened his grip on the package. “Or for what purpose?”

“No.” The boy tilted his head in contemplation. “But she did say she had sold the business and I had a new employer.” He let out a sigh. “She told me she didn’t know when she was coming back.”

The hot stab in Christian’s chest made him gasp for air. She sold the business? A sudden vision of his future without Katherine flashed before him. He should have followed his instincts and gone to see her as soon as he’d discovered she’d left the soiree. But last night, Willa had made him believe that Kat’s sudden illness was inconsequential. She’d said it was Kat’s wishes that he stay with his guests and not worry on her behalf. It had to have been the news about her marriage to Meri. Before Christian could inquire more, Wheatley stepped into his study with a box of treats for the lad, and immediately, Rodney stood.

“It was nice meeting you.” The boy nodded politely.

Christian rounded the desk. “If you remember or hear anything else, I’d appreciate it if you stopped by again.”

The boy nodded, then turned. When he took the box from Wheatley, he thanked him politely.

“I’ll see Mr. Smith to the door, Your Grace,” Wheatley said, then closed the door behind them.

For privacy sake, Christian took the package to a window seat at the far end of the room. He sat, then swung his legs onto the thick cushion. The recess was large enough that he could lean back against the wall without having to bend his legs. He studied the package in his hands. Gently, he squeezed the linen covering. The contents gave way to his fingertips.

The embroidery on the linen piece matched the set in his bedroom. As he untied the ribbon, his gaze fixated on the edge of the piece. The figure of a C and K were entwined in a bold red script. Gently, he traced the stitches that Kat had made before he unfolded the cloth. Inside was a letter and a small pillow.

A small red heart embroidered in the same color thread lay in the middle of a pillow slightly larger than a pin cushion. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. It was similar to the one that Kat’s mother had made for her.

Christian placed the pillow on his lap, then opened the letter.

My dearest love,

I have important business that took me from London. Time is of the essence, so I departed early this morning after the sun rose.

I made this for you last night. It holds my love for you. All of it. If you ever doubt my true affection, just gaze at this pillow.

You have my heart forever.


Christian stared out the window. There wasn’t a word about her selling her business or whether she would return to him. He didn’t even know if he’d hear from her again.

He glanced down at the pillow, then pressed his lips against the heart. Kat had been wrong. This pillow didn’t hold her love. He did.

Because of that, he’d live through hell and gladly sit beside Lucifer as long as he found her. He slipped the pillow into a pocket sewn on the inside of his morning coat.

He had no doubt now, Katherine James was more than a thief. The evidence was the empty hole in the middle of his chest. He would find her, then bring her home.

* * *

Christian slowly strolled through the London streets on his way to the warehouse, where Reed and his men were busy working. After the soiree, they’d been inundated with orders. Three days had passed since Katherine had left, but it felt as if Christian had endured a decade of torment. He still had little, if any, information about her disappearance.

He’d visited Kat’s workshop and her place of business. Both places were empty as if closed for good. Afterward, he’d called on Constance and Beth, hoping they could tell him more about her disappearance. Venetia had greeted him and politely informed him that Constance wasn’t feeling well and Beth was attending her. When he’d asked Venetia if she knew anything about Kat, she’d shaken her head and said she was sorry.

After that, he’d called on Helen, who hadn’t heard from Kat. She seemed genuinely surprised that Kat had left London. Even Morgan hadn’t heard from Willa.

The woman had left without a trace, except the pieces of Christian’s crumbling heart littering London.

“Your Grace?”

Christian slowed to a stop then

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