A Duke in Time (The Widow Rules #1) - Janna MacGregor Page 0,117

be?” Constance asked.

Damnable tears. It they’d only leave her be until she got through this. “I’m leaving for York immediately. I’ve written a letter of instruction that all my funds be transferred to both of you.” She turned her attention to Beth. “I’ve addressed a letter to the Secretary of the First Lady of the Bedchamber. In it, I’ve said that I want to rescind the contract because it’s too much of a financial burden on me.” Beth was about to argue, but Kat held up her hand.

Constance struggled to sit. Beth immediately leaned over and helped her up and arranged the mountain of pillows behind her. Katherine closed her eyes as numbers swam like a school of fish attempting to evade the wrath of a shark. Financially, she had enough to take care of Constance, Beth, and her employees for at least six months if her plans didn’t work. The remaining amount, a paltry sum by any measure, would have to be stretched for her and Willa until she could think of another way to make a living.

“I’ve paid the rent on the town house for the next six months. You’re both welcome to stay here.”

“I don’t understand,” Beth said softly.

Constance’s forehead rippled into concern. “What’s this about?”

“Skeats demanded that I write the letter or he would drag both me and Christian through the mud and destroy Christian’s charity.”

“How can he do that?” Beth’s cheeks bloomed with heat. “The bloody bastard.”

“Basically, he discovered I was a convicted thief.” Amazing that ever since she’d told Christian what had happened, it was becoming easier to talk about it.

Both Constance’s and Beth’s eyes widened.

Immediately, Willa came to her defense. “She was innocent.”

Kat patted her arm gently. “It’s all right. I’m going to tell them the whole story.”

Willa’s eyes grew as round as Constance’s and Beth’s. “You are?”

Kat nodded. “I’m tired of living my life in fear.” She glanced at her hands and smiled. She wasn’t twisting her fingers. If she wanted to have a life with Christian, then she had to take the steps necessary to ensure that she was free from the fears and threats that had haunted her for the last ten years. Their love for each other deserved that, and if she didn’t try to rectify the damage, then she didn’t see how she could marry him. It wouldn’t be fair to him, her, or their marriage.

She turned to her two friends and told them everything. When she finished, Kat took a deep, steadying breath. “I’ve been living with the conviction for the last ten years. I’m going to York to see if Mr. FitzWilliam might help me.”

“I can’t imagine the burden you carried, living with that accusation.” Beth leaned over Constance and squeezed Kat’s hand. “But why did you write the letter that you’ll give up the contract if you’re going to York?”

“To give me time to see if I can fix this mess and keep the contract. I signed the letter to the secretary as Lady Meriwether,” Kat said triumphantly.

“But I’m Lady Meriwether,” Constance said.

“Exactly,” Kat answered. “It was a stroke of luck that I signed the contract under my company’s name instead of my title.”

Beth grinned. “That’s brilliant, Kat.”

“I don’t understand.” Constance looked between Kat and Beth.

“Kat signed the contract as Greer’s Emporium. Not Lady Meriwether.” Beth nodded with a sly grin.

“But whether you call yourself Katherine Greer, Greer’s Emporium, or Lady Meriwether, won’t they know it’s you?” Constance asked.

Kat nodded. “But you see, I’m planning on selling Greer’s Emporium to Beth for one guinea right now. It doesn’t make any difference how it was signed.” She winked at Beth. “I won’t own it anymore if Beth buys it right now before I send the letter to Skeats. Only Beth will be able to rescind the contract.”

“Oh, that’s wickedly sneaky.” Constance nodded in approval.

“Of course, I’ll buy it from you for a guinea,” Beth announced, then furrowed her brow. “I actually know the magistrate in York. He’s name is Mr. George Dane-Fox. His sister is a dear friend of mine from finishing school. I could write you a letter of introduction.”

“That would be perfect.” The longer she sat with her friends, the more confident she became that her plan would work.

A faint sound, much like a knock on the front door, drifted into the room. Beth stood and looked out the window, then let out a gasp.

“Who is it?” Willa asked.

Beth’s hand flew to her heart. “It’s the Marquess of Grayson.” She bit her lip as

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