Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,41

to comb her mane quite capably. “I’m terribly sorry, Whisper,” Mary said to the horse. “I fear my maid is much better at arranging hair than I’ve ever been.”

Both Rhys and Julianna laughed.

Next, Rhys moved on to leading. “I want you to help me walk Whisper out into the paddock,” he said to Mary. “It will help to further build an affinity between the two of you.”

“Affinity,” Julianna called from her spot in the shade near the barn door. “That’s often important between people, too, isn’t it, Mr. Worthy? That is until one of them disappears for no reason.”

“Affinity is important between people and horses, Lady Julianna,” Rhys replied, the smile never leaving his face. “Especially affinity that lasts longer than it takes to say, find a new mount.”

The look on Mary’s face this time was downright dubious. Julianna ignored it and narrowed her eyes on Rhys. Bless it. The man had an answer for absolutely everything.

She watched with pride, however, as Mary led Whisper around the paddock, gently holding the lead and glancing back at Rhys every so often to ensure he was still close by. He nodded his assurance and gave her an encouraging smile.

“Now, we’ll try tying,” Rhys finally announced after they’d spent a considerable length of time leading Whisper around the paddock.

“What’ll we tie her to?” Mary asked, glancing about.

“The fence on the far side of the paddock,” Rhys replied.

Mary dutifully trotted after him toward the fence.

“Are you coming, Lady Julianna?” Rhys called without looking back for her.

“No,” Julianna called back. “I think I’ll just remain here in the shade, if that’s all right with you, Mary.”

Mary nodded her assent.

“Are you certain, Lady Julianna?” Rhys replied. “You do realize I won’t be able to hear your barbs from so far away?”

Mary glanced back at Julianna with a decidedly questioning frown on her face. Julianna shrugged. Poor Mary. No doubt her sister wondered why the deuce two people who had reportedly kissed only two days ago were trading digs with one another today.

“It’s fine, Mr. Worthy,” Julianna called back in a singsong voice. “I’ll be certain to save the best barbs for your return.”

Julianna waited in the hot barn for the better part of a half hour while Rhys and Mary took turns tying and untying Whisper from the fence.

By the time they returned to the stables, Mary leading Whisper, Julianna was feeling depleted and anything but ready to trade more barbs with Rhys.

“Did you see me, Anna? Did I do it correctly?” Mary asked, excitement evident in her voice.

“You did it perfectly, dear,” Julianna replied, giving her sister a wide smile. “But it’s getting late and we must get back to the house to dress for the picnic.”

“You’ve made an excellent start this morning, my lady,” Rhys said, taking the reins from Mary’s hands.

“Thank you for your help today, Mr. Worthy,” Mary replied. “I may not be able to ride yet, but I do feel ever so much more comfortable…at least around Whisper here.” She reached out and stroked the horse’s muzzle.

“That’s how it works,” Rhys replied. “One step at a time. I do hope you’ll return. Next time, I’ll show you how to saddle and mount.”

“I’d like that,” Mary replied with a sweet smile.

“You may even bring your sister back with you,” he said, a grin still plastered on his face.

“Indeed.” Julianna gave him a tight smile. “Next time I might teach you a thing or two, Mr. Worthy.”

Chapter Seventeen

The next morning, Rhys met his friends in the storage room of the servants’ hall in the basement of the manor house. They’d begun meeting in the room ever since they’d been found talking in the library one day by one of the guests. As usual, Rhys was the last to arrive.

“Still in the game?” Bell asked the moment Rhys strode through the door.

“Yes, you?” he shot back, giving his friend a wide grin.

“Indeed,” Bell replied. “Kendall is, too.”

Rhys glanced at the earl. Kendall didn’t say a word. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Don’t ask,” Clayton said, waving his hand. “The poor chap was caught kissing Miss Wharton in the library earlier this morning.”

“The devil, you say! Who found you?” Rhys asked, slapping his friend on the shoulder and laughing.

“We were not caught kissing,” Kendall retorted, pulling his shoulder away. “We were almost caught kissing by Miss Wharton’s lady’s maid, Albina, and that is quite different.”

“Oh, the lady’s maid? You’re fine then,” Rhys replied with another laugh.

“I’m glad you think so,” Kendall shot back, rolling his eyes.

“It’s the

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