Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,38

sister’s cold hand. “Mary, dear, I don’t understand. What are you saying?”

Her sister swallowed hard. “I’m saying I want to make my courage bigger than my fear, Anna. I want to learn to ride a horse.”

“Learn to ride?” Julianna blinked. If her sister had just told her she wanted to learn how to box at Gentleman Jackson’s, Julianna couldn’t have been more surprised. “Truly?”

“Yes.” Mary’s nod was resolute. She lifted her chin, and even though Julianna could see fear still lurking in Mary’s eyes, she could tell that her sister was determined. Julianna knew from experience, whenever Mary became determined, nothing could sway her. That was one of the many things Julianna loved about her sister. She was brave when she chose to be. Brave and kind and wonderful.

Mary had good reason to be afraid of horses. Their father had put her atop one when she was far too young.

“Julianna was three years old when she learned to ride and she had no problem whatsoever,” Papa liked to say whenever he was reminded of the fact that Mary had been mortified by her first attempt at riding. The little girl had been thrown from the pony, and while she’d landed on soft grass with only a few scrapes and bruises, she’d been terrified of horses ever since.

Father was right. Julianna had been three years old when she’d learned to ride, and she’d taken to it like a fish to water. But Julianna and Mary were quite different. Where Julianna had always been adventurous and full of energy, Mary had always been quiet and reserved and cautious. It was a mistake Papa had regretted for years and one that had cost her sister her ability to participate in many outings.

“Are you quite certain, dear?” Julianna couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes,” Mary replied, even though Julianna could feel her sister’s hand trembling. “I was hoping you’d take me to the stables and ask one of the groomsmen to assist.”

A slow smile spread across Julianna’s face. “I think I know just the groomsman for the task.”

“Mr. Worthy?” Mary replied with a coy smile.

“Precisely,” Julianna replied with a nod.

This was going to be fun, Julianna thought an hour later as she and Mary marched down to the stables. Mary didn’t own a riding habit, so she’d had to make do with one of Julianna’s, which was too long in both the arms and skirt. Regardless, Julianna thought her younger sister looked adorable in the dark sapphire habit that one of the maids had quickly tailored so she wouldn’t trip over it. The sleeves had simply been rolled up.

Mary had worn a pair of her own boots that weren’t precisely riding boots. Julianna thought it best to match fit rather than function.

Rhys was in the far corner of the stables, helping the smithy to shoe one of the horses when they entered. He was using a hammer to beat the burning black metal into shape. Once again, his shirt was off—and Julianna had to glance away, swallowing hard, when he turned slightly and she saw his muscled abdomen. Was that a scar? She’d only seen it for a moment and certainly didn’t want to be caught staring.

“Good morning, Mr. Worthy,” she called when he’d finished his chore.

He turned and wiped sweat off his forehead, giving her his most outrageously charming smile. He knew precisely how inappropriate he was being, going about shirtless. He was making poor Mary blush.

“Ah, Lady Julianna, come for another tour? Bring anyone else with you? The Prince Regent, perhaps?” he asked with an unrepentant grin.

“Not yet,” Lady Julianna replied. “Though I do hear he’s arriving soon.”

The house party had been agog at the news that both the Earl of Kendall and the prince would be arriving soon. Of course, Julianna found it laughable, given the fact that Kendall had already been serving them all in the dining room night after night. But given her promise to Worthington, she’d dutifully kept her mouth shut.

“Then what brings you out today?” Rhys asked. He no longer even pretended she wasn’t here to bother him. That was interesting.

“Mary would like riding lessons,” Julianna announced. “We were hoping you could assist.”

“Riding lessons?” Rhys turned his attention to Mary. “Is that right?”

“Yes, Mr. Worthy,” Mary said with a brave nod. “I’ve decided I must stop being such a ninny. Though, I do hope you’ll pick the tamest mount in the stables for me,” she added, her voice cracking slightly.

“I know just the mare,” Rhys replied. “And it would

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