Duke Looks Like a Groomsman - Valerie Bowman Page 0,35

bright morning sunlight. The smell of newly cut grass and blooming flowers wafted along the slight breeze. The top was down so the ladies could see all around them. Their bonneted heads swiveled to look at everything. Their chatter did not abate until they came to their first stop, the flower gardens behind the library.

“Do tell us what we’re looking at, Mr. Worthy,” Julianna called, her gloved hand atop her hat. “Being employed here, I assume you’re quite familiar with the grounds of Clayton Manor.”

“Of course,” he replied, his most obliging smile pinned to his face. “These are his lordship’s flower gardens. I believe his mother had them installed and personally sees to their care when she visits.”

“Where is his lordship’s mother?” Julianna asked next. “Does she live nearby?”

“She has a town house in London, my lady, but when she is in the country, she lives at the Dower house near the front of the estate. I believe we’ll be passing by it later. I’ll be certain to point it out.”

She was obviously trying to trip him up. But Rhys had known Clayton since they were barely more than lads. He knew enough about the estate to give an informal tour, for Christ’s sake, and what he didn’t know he fully intended to invent. He refused to allow Julianna to ruffle him.

“Does she come to visit Lord Clayton often, Mr. Worthy?” Julianna asked next.

“I wouldn’t know,” Rhys replied without missing a beat. “I am a stable servant, my lady. I’m not often in the house, save for occasional meals, and Lord Clayton prefers his servants not to gossip.” He gave Julianna a complacent smile and arched a brow at her as if to say, There. Find fault with that.

She pressed her lips together and gave him a look that said, Well-played.

Next, the conveyance rattled on past the meadow and out to the lake. The same place they’d been for their picnic with Mary. When the break came to a stop, the ladies’ chatter ceased once again and they all looked expectantly at Rhys, anticipating that Julianna would ask him more questions.

“How many fish are stocked in the lake, Mr. Worthy?” Julianna dutifully asked.

“As I am not the groundskeeper, my lady, I’m not entirely certain, but I do know his lordship has caught both pike and perch here in abundance. I have also heard that my lord and lady have planned a picnic for the guests here tomorrow.”

The ladies must have liked that response because their chatter increased, and a general air of excitement was in their tone.

“Oh, please, Anna, can’t we take a quick walk along the shoreline?” Mary begged.

Julianna looked at Rhys. “Mr. Worthy? Would we be able to take a walk along the water? Is there time?”

“Whatever you wish, my lady,” he replied agreeably.

The ladies conferred for a few moments before deciding it would be lovely to take a stroll by the lake. Rhys and Henry hopped down from their spots and helped all six women to alight.

Mary and three of the ladies all took off at a decent clip to look for the buttercups she’d promised them. Julianna and one other young woman walked more slowly toward the edge of the water nearby. Rhys strode along behind them to continue answering questions.

“Mr. Worthy,” Julianna soon asked, “what is the depth of the lake?”

Rhys did not hesitate. “It’s approximately fifteen and a quarter meters, my lady.”

She turned and gave him a look that clearly indicated she knew he’d made that up.

He returned it with a look that clearly indicated he knew she could never prove it.

She paused for a moment at the water’s edge and thoughtfully tapped her cheek with one gloved finger. “Mr. Worthy? An interesting name is it not, Helen?” she said to her companion. Julianna then turned to Rhys. “You don’t happen to be any relation to the Duke of Worthington, do you?”

Helen was staring at the water and as a result, was unable to see Rhys blink his eyes slowly at Julianna while wearing a false smile and giving her an I’m-going-to-make-you-pay-for-this look. “Not to my knowledge, my lady, but I certainly wouldn’t mind discovering I’m a relation. I hear the current duke is handsome, wealthy, and charming.”

Helen took the opportunity to speak. “I have also heard he’s handsome, but he may not be wealthy. According to my Papa, he gambles a great deal and has lost his fortune. Though he’s still quite eligible, of that there can be no doubt.”

“Well, I can assure

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