Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,86

seeing about some new gowns,” Samantha said. “Might I come in with you?”

Claire’s face lit up. “Yes. You can help Mama and me.”

Madame greeted them as they entered the shop and took Claire’s hand. “Lady Claire, we are going to measure you for many new outfits.” Then with a conspiratorial smile, she added, “And I do believe a riding habit is also something you need?”

Claire looked to Elise. “Mama? I get to ride?”

“Yes. Your papa said he will teach you when we return to Treadwell Manor in a few months.”

Her daughter clapped her hands gleefully and then spun in a circle.

“Careful, Lady Claire,” Madame admonished. “You mustn’t get dizzy. Come along with me. Let’s get you measured and then your mama and aunt can help choose fabrics for your gowns.”

Claire took the dressmaker’s hand and waved as she was led to a back room.

Once she’d left, Elise asked, “Are you getting new gowns because of your condition?”

Samantha nodded. “I spoke with Madame about it. I usually use a dressmaker in Exeter and she’s quite good but I thought I would take advantage of being in London to have at least a few things made up for when I grow larger.”

“You’ve been so good with Claire. I know you are looking forward to a child of your own.”

“I am. We both are. George is eager to have as many as possible.”

She laughed. “Weston has said the same thing although he seems to favor us having girls.”

Samantha chuckled. “Claire does seem to have my brother wrapped about her tiniest finger.” She took Elise’s hand. “I am grateful that Weston has married such a wonderful woman and that we will live close by. I lived far too long without friends of any kind and look forward to the years ahead of us.”

“I feel the same. And Phoebe is less than a day’s carriage trip from us.”

“I cannot wait to see Robby,” Samantha said.

“Weston has promised that we will stop and call on them when we return to Treadwell Manor.”

An assistant came with fabric samples and said, “Madame asked that you begin looking these over. She will have suggestions, of course.”

“Of course,” Samantha said. To Elise, she added, “I would go along with whatever Madame suggests. She is quite right about everything.”

“I know. Look at the gowns she made for me. I have never received such attention in my life.”

“As a duchess, you will set fashion trends. Madame will help guide you. Both of us, actually. Sometimes, I feel as if I must pinch myself,” Samantha confided. “I am a duchess. Wed to my best friend. Soon to have his child.”

“I think the same thing when I awaken every morning next to Weston.”

Madame returned with a chattering Claire and they looked over various materials, deciding which bolts of fabric should be used to make up particular dresses for Claire.

As they left the shop, Elise said, “I see your carriage waiting for you. Do you have plans?”

“None. Why?”

“Claire and I are going to go walk in the park. Weston may join us and take us to Gunter’s afterward.”

“Gunter’s?” Samantha and Claire said in unison. Samantha added, “I would love to come. Let’s drive over in my carriage.”

She gave her coachman instructions and he took them to the park. Claire insisted on riding beside her aunt and Elise sat across from them. They disembarked and Samantha dismissed her driver, saying Weston could drop her at home after they had their ices.

The park wasn’t busy at all this time of day. Elise had learned that most nannies and governesses brought their charges in the mornings, reserving afternoons for napping. After tea would be when all the fashionable carriages drove through the park, with people stopping and chatting, looking about to see who rode with whom and gossiping about new couples who had formed attachments. They walked to the Serpentine and Samantha and Claire went and sat on the bank, watching a family of ducks swimming past. Elise sighed, thinking how wonderful it was to have Samantha as both friend and family.

Without warning, something hard pressed into her back as someone latched on to her elbow.

“Enjoying an outing with your daughter?”

She glanced over her shoulder and saw Lord Ivy standing closely behind her. She tried to pull away but his grasp tightened.

“I want you to come with me,” he said, and pushed against her back again. “Else I’ll shoot you.”

Fear flooded her. It was a gun he held to her back.

“Why would you do that?” she asked, surprised

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