Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,75

and sat for a moment.

“I must be,” she murmured to herself.

Elise realized what was happening. “You are increasing?”

Samantha nodded wearily. “I believe so. It was like this before.”


She rose. “I was with child when wed to Haskett. I lost the baby after four months. I remember the sickness and feeling tired all the time. It came upon me suddenly this morning. I didn’t think anything of it until now. I thought it was because we were out late last night because of the first ball of the Season. It’s the same as before, though.”

Elise hugged her. “You must see a doctor tomorrow. I also think you should go home now. There’s no sense staying for more of the same.”

“You’re right.” Samantha sat again and sighed. “Would you go and find George?”

“I will. Stay here.”

As she left the retiring room, Elise decided this would be a way to avoid Weston for the rest of the evening. It might even allow him additional time with Lady Millicent. She returned to the supper room and saw Weston engaged in conversation with the debutante. Hurrying to George, she leaned close and whispered, “Samantha is feeling ill. She would like to go home.”

George sprang to his feet. “Where is she?”

“The retiring room,” she said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to leave with you. Just to see if she’s all right.”

“Of course. I’ll go call for the carriage.”

“We’ll meet you outside.”

The duke hurried off and she went to her brother-in-law and said, “My lord, my friend, the Duchess of Colebourne, has taken ill. I am accompanying her home. I will see you tomorrow morning. Please make my excuses to His Grace and Lady Ruthersby.”

“I will.”

Elise hurried away, sensing Weston’s eyes on her and deliberately not gazing in his direction. She found Samantha leaving the retiring room and slipped her arm about her friend’s waist.

“George is having the carriage brought around. I will ride with you to make sure you don’t need anything.”

“George can help me if I need something,” Samantha protested.

“No. I’ve heard enough of the gifted soprano,” she said firmly. “And if I’m gone, Weston won’t be worried about whom I speak with. It seems he may be intrigued by Lady Millicent after all. I’d like for her to have his full attention.”

With that, Elise took Samantha’s arm and led her outside.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Weston burst into George’s breakfast room, a jumble of emotions running through him.

George, ever unflappable, said, “Have a seat, Your Grace. Coffee or tea?”


As he sat, a footman appeared with a cup and saucer, while a second one poured the brew into the cup. Weston added his own cream and sugar and stirred, the motion soothing him. He took a sip and placed the cup down.

Sam entered the room and didn’t seem surprised to find him there. Quickly, the footman brought her tea and a plate of food, though Weston noted there wasn’t much on it.

“I came to see if you are feeling better,” he said, noting she was a tad pale and had dark circles under her eyes. “You don’t look it. Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

She glanced to her husband. George placed a hand over hers and nodded. Sam turned back to Weston. “I am with child. It’s early yet so we won’t be sharing our news for several more weeks.”

“Congratulations,” he said with sincerity, knowing she had lost another baby and how she must be worried about the same thing happening again. “Is that why you left the musicale early?”

“Yes. Though I’ve heard it referred to as morning sickness, it seems to strike me more in the evenings.”

“I assume Elise knows about this.”

“Yes,” Sam confirmed. “She was with me in the retiring room when I was violently ill last night. It was her suggestion that I leave the event early and come home to rest.”

“Was it your idea that she accompany you?” he prodded.

“No. She was worried about me, though, and wanted to tend to me in the carriage.”

“George could have done that,” Weston pointed out. “Did she leave to avoid me?”

Sam shrugged. “She did mention that you were intrigued with Lady Millicent and had gone to listen to her play and sing a few songs. I saw you supping with the lady and her parents. Elise believed if you weren’t worried about her, you could focus more attention on your companion.”

“I was going to ask Elise to marry me last night,” he revealed.

George chuckled. “That special license must be burning a hole in your pocket.”

“What?” Sam exclaimed. “You’ve

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