Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,72

an older, protective sibling. You are trying to watch out for me. No man will ever be good enough for me in your eyes and that is why you dislike every name I mentioned to you. Since I am of legal age—and have already chosen one husband—I believe I have the maturity and experience to do so again. Without any comments from you. I know what I need in a husband and what Claire needs in a father and will make my selection accordingly.”

Before Weston could reply, her in-laws arrived, the countess cooing, “Oh, there you are, Your Grace. Always so prompt. I wouldn’t have thought a duke would be aware of time or so considerate of others.”

“I think the way we treat others speaks volumes about ourselves,” he replied. “Take for instance, your sister-in-law. I know you value her as a member of your family. I’m sure you treat her with the utmost kindness, especially knowing how your boys love her so.”

Lady Ruthersby blinked rapidly several times, speechless.

Her husband quickly said, “Well, this musicale was the talk of White’s this afternoon. The guest list is quite exclusive. I must thank you, Your Grace, for seeing that we were on it.”

“Shall we?” Weston held his arm out and Elise took it, glancing down at her feet to hide her mirth.

As they went out the front door, she murmured, “You can be very wicked at times, Your Grace.”

He chuckled. “You haven’t seen the half of it, my lady. There are times I wish to eviscerate that woman.”

In the carriage, she sat as far from him as possible. Which wasn’t far enough. She could still feel the heat of his body, which made her think of last night’s kiss when he’d held her close. The subtle spice of his cologne filled the air. She really had to stop allowing him to fill every thought in her head. This man was a duke, one of the most powerful peers in Great Britain. He never had and never would consider her for his duchess.

Elise was determined to find her own husband without his help. She wasn’t the naïve debutante from several years ago. Tragedy had forced her to grow up. She was a mother and her first duty would always be to her daughter. She would trust her instincts and marry a man she deemed worthwhile. It really didn’t matter if he kissed well. If he were honest and kind and good to her and Claire, that would be more than enough. It would help them leave her brother-in-law’s household, where every day had been a challenge. She had been the one in charge once. She had planned the menus and entertainment and dealt with the servants. She saw the pity in their eyes as Lord and Lady Ruthersby treated her as a poor relation. It was important to move on and make a new life for herself and Claire. She was grateful to Weston for giving her the opportunity of another Season for she truly believed she could find a spouse.

They arrived and Elise saw Samantha alighting from a carriage and rushed to join her. They linked arms and headed inside the townhouse, her party and Colebourne trailing behind them.

“That gown is utterly divine on you,” her friend proclaimed. “So perfect with your coloring. Did you have anyone call on you this afternoon?”

“Several gentlemen. None of whom your brother thought good enough for me. I fear he’s decided I’m a sister to him and he plans to shoo every last suitor away because none of them live up to his impossibly high standards.”

Samantha chuckled. “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Well, I am. He was most disagreeable. Not only about the men I was interested in but also the women on our list.”

“Weston didn’t like any of the three women we decided upon?”

“Not a one. He found fault with each one of them,” she revealed.

They greeted their host and hostess and continued on.

“My brother is very selective. Not just any woman will do as a duchess, especially for him.”

“I don’t know if he even plans to wed. I fear the temptations of London are calling to him.”

Samantha shook her head. “You are wrong, Elise. I know him. He is most serious about finding a wife and settling down.”

“Then he’ll have to prove it to me.”

“Prove what?” Weston asked, joining them.

“I’m going to find George,” Samantha said.

“Coward,” whispered Elise. Then she looked at her companion. “You never said how your afternoon calls went, Your Grace.”


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