Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,48

west of Plymouth,” she replied. “I continued to live there after my husband’s death, which occurred almost three years ago.”

“That must have been very difficult,” the Duchess of Windham said. “I lost my husband—and my boy—in a carriage accident around the same time.”

Elise decided she must reveal her identity to the Duchess of Windham, however unpleasant it might be.

“Was your husband Lord Borwick, Your Grace? And your son Nathan?” she asked, not wanting to abruptly announce her news, rather easing into it.

“Yes,” the duchess said, tears misting her eyes. “I have missed my boy every day.”

She took the woman’s hand. “I lost Ruthersby in that same accident. A passing physician rendered aid to him but was unable to save him. I was carrying my husband’s child at the time. I had a boy, Your Grace. I named my boy Nathan—after your son. Unfortunately, he only lived three days. It was like losing Ruthersby all over again, a pain that will never leave me.”

Tears now streamed down the Duchess of Windham’s face. “I also was with child. I lost my baby the same day of the accident. It is something I never speak of.” She gripped Elise’s hand tightly. “It seems we are bonded in tragedy, my lady. I hope, however, that we can bond in friendship, as well.”

Elise was touched by the duchess’ generosity. “I would like that very much.”

The two women embraced and then the Duchess of Colebourne and Lady Elizabeth also hugged them. Suddenly, it seemed as if a burden had been lifted from Elise. She’d never really had anyone to share in her grief. She’d always tried to remain happy in Claire’s presence, not wanting tragedy to mark her girl. Her own parents had been missing from that time in her life. Ruthersby’s brother and wife hovered in the wings, waiting to see who would become the new earl and had never given her a sympathetic word or smile.

These three women, though, were the first who had truly made her feel that her sorrow wasn’t hers alone. It was to be shared, thus lightening her burden.

“I don’t recall you during last Season, Lady Ruthersby,” Lady Elizabeth said. “Are you ready to rejoin society?”

“Actually, I am,” she shared. “I have longed for more children, not wanting Claire to be an only child. That desire means I must find a new husband.”

“You won’t have any trouble at all doing so,” the Duchess of Colebourne assured her. “You are beautiful and sweet and kind. Men will flock to you.”

“I have no dowry, though,” she said. “I don’t want just any man. That is why I have entered into an arrangement with Treadwell.”

That drew the trio’s interest.

“Are you going to marry my brother?” the duchess asked.

Elise felt herself flush. “Of course not. However, the duke has made known to me his desire to wed. He is eager to put his past behind him and raise a family. He said he dreaded perusing the Marriage Mart for a bride and has asked for my guidance in helping him find a bride.” She shook her head. “His list of demands of what he wants in a wife is rather long, though. I hope I will be able to find him a suitable mate. In exchange for my help, he is going to review eligible men in the ton and make a recommendation to me as to whom might be worthy to wed.”

“Do you also have a list of characteristics you seek?” asked Lady Elizabeth.

“I do.” It wasn’t one she could share with them, so she said, “Since I have no dowry, it may prove more difficult. I don’t require a title. I am not interested in looks or money. I realize that I will be competing with all the young, fresh-faced girls who will be making their come-outs. I will be practical and—”

“What about love?” the Duchess of Windham asked.

Elise’s brow furrowed. “What about it? I didn’t love Ruthersby. I liked him. He was a very gentle, scholarly man. He was an excellent father to Claire. That’s another thing. I need a man who will allow Claire to live with us and treat her decently. I can’t have her sent away from me. We will go together—or not at all.”

“I didn’t love Borwick,” the Duchess of Windham said. “Now that I have found love with Andrew, I cannot imagine being married without it. I understand that you are looking to secure your future, Lady Ruthersby. I only hope that you will find love

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