Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,32

lady. Both you and your daughter need plenty of rest to recover from your injuries.”

“It’s almost Christmas, Your Grace. I don’t think—”

“You don’t have to think, Lady Ruthersby,” he replied, an enigmatic light coming into his eyes. “I will take care of that for you.” He turned and pressed a soft kiss upon Claire’s brow.

“Goodnight, Lady Claire. I will see you in the morning. Sleep well.”

Elise’s throat grew thick with emotion at the duke’s sweet gesture. It had been so long since anyone had showed Claire—or Elise, herself—any kindness. The two had depended only upon each other. Now, a veritable stranger’s simple gesture tore at her heart.

He stood. “You look famished, my lady. Let’s go downstairs and see what Cook will bring us.”

With that, the Duke of Disrepute took Elise’s arm and guided her from the room.

Chapter Eleven

Weston had satisfied his curiosity about the young woman he’d danced with years ago by plying her daughter with questions. He had wanted to take the child’s mind off her aching ankle but was rewarded with knowledge every time she replied.

So, Lady Elise had had wed Ruthersby. He remembered the earl, who had been a few years behind him at school. A very scholarly type, with absolutely no social skills. How he’d landed such a curvaceous beauty was beyond Weston. He vaguely recalled meeting the new, haughty earl and countess last Season. The countess had flirted outrageously in front of her husband, something he didn’t approve of. Because of that, he’d never pursued her. He was glad now that he hadn’t.

Because he most definitely wanted to pursue Elise Blakeney.

Not for a night, as he would have in the past. For all the nights to come. He couldn’t think of a more suitable match. She wasn’t some featherhead straight from the schoolroom. She carried herself with a dignity and grace. She wasn’t tongue-tied around him. Most likely, she had been the one who had taught her daughter to read at an extremely young age, which meant she had a love of books and knowledge. She would be interesting. Unassuming. She was already a good mother, based upon the interaction he’d seen between her and her daughter. And she was more than tolerably pretty.

Elise Blakeney was downright beautiful.

Her hair, which had been drying when he and Dr. Cherry arrived, remained down, falling about her shoulders and almost to her waist. It was a burnished brown with a slight hint of red in it, rich and thick. Her skin was like cream, with a faint blush touching her cheeks every now and then. Her rosebud mouth cried out to be kissed. More than anything, he was taken in by the luminous, violet eyes which had compelled him to ask her to dance at that ball so long ago. She hadn’t lost her trim waist after childbirth and he was itching to pull the fichu from her gown’s neckline and gaze upon the ample breasts he remembered.

All in all, Lady Ruthersby was duchess material in his eyes. She would be a good companion. A wonderful mother to their children. A marvelous hostess.

What he had to decide was how to convince her to marry him.

He didn’t know if she had been in love with her husband. He doubted it. Most marriages in the ton were arranged or decided upon to further a family’s wealth or social standing. She wouldn’t have a dowry this time around but the lack of one wouldn’t stop him. As one of the wealthiest men in England, he didn’t need it. He would need to sound her out about her marriage. Learn exactly when her husband passed away. From what she had said earlier, it seemed Ruthersby had been gone long enough for Lady Ruthersby to consider wedding again.

Then he recalled the child mentioning her grandpapa dying. That meant Lady Ruthersby would be back in mourning. The thought irritated him. Weston had never been one to wait on anything. What he wanted, he took.

And he wanted Elise Blakeney before someone else snatched her up.

He would need to tread lightly and discover what he could about her father’s passing. He also remained curious about something Claire had said. How her cousins were poorly behaved but that Mama made them behave now at lessons. Coupled with learning that Claire slept with her mother, he had an idea that the new Lord and Lady Ruthersby were using their sister-in-law as an unpaid governess for their sons.

It surprised him how much the thought angered him.

They reached the winter

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