Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,24

couldn’t quite recall exactly what Norwood looked like when he was alive.

Unhappiness washed over her. She had no idea how to change the course she was set upon. She would love to marry again and give Claire brothers and sisters but that didn’t seem possible. She’d been in mourning for Norwood two years ago and hadn’t gone to London for the Season. Last year, she had accompanied the Ruthersby family to town—yet it was assumed she would stay home and watch Joseph and Josiah while Lord and Lady Ruthersby attended balls and routs and the theatre. Even if by some miracle they thought to include her next spring, she hadn’t the clothes to wear to the many social events. If she couldn’t participate in the Season, she would never find a husband.

And never escape the path she walked.

She thought about the men in the neighborhood surrounding Briarcliff. All but two in her social set were married. One was a widower and thrice her age. The other was a young man who still had two years left of university, far too young for her to consider. Even if she waited for him to finish, he would be like all young men his age and partake in several Seasons before settling down to wedded life. By then, she would be far too old for him to consider. He would only have eyes for the young, fresh girls making their come-outs. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She was only three and twenty but it seemed as if her life were already over. Elise stood and returned to the bed, slipping in and breathing in Claire’s scent. It was time to stop being so selfish. She had her daughter. That’s all she needed.

No matter what the future held.


The sound of thunder filled the carriage. Elise glanced out the window and saw the flash of lightning.

“Mama, I’m scared,” Claire said, burrowing her face into her mother’s side.

She stroked the girl’s hair. “It will be fine,” she assured her daughter.

Worry filled her, though. The heavy rains had slowed their journey, along with the rickety carriage Cousin Leonard had provided. She’d recognized it as one from her childhood, surprised that her father hadn’t gotten rid of it. She doubted it had been used in years. It rolled along unsteadily, lurching as they hit holes in the road. Her fear was that a wheel would come off and they would be stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Elise wished now that she had refused to ride in the vehicle. She should have had one of the grooms use a wagon to take her and Claire into the village, where they could have taken a mail coach south. It might have been packed with riders but at least the coach would have been sturdy.

They hit another deep rut and the vehicle wobbled and shook. The carriage went on another few seconds and then it collapsed to the right. Claire clung to her as it came to a stop. Elise glanced out the window and saw the driver had left his post and was leaning over, inspecting a wheel. Moments later, he opened the door. Wind blew the rain in and she urged him to climb in and shut the door.

He did so and said, “My lady, the front right wheel has come off. The rear two aren’t in much better shape. The roads are almost impassable for a carriage in good condition, much less one so poorly maintained. I can’t risk us going on.”

As Claire trembled in her arms, Elise asked, “What do you suggest?”

“We’re at an intersection with a wide lane so I’m certain an estate lies at the end of it. If they’ve a blacksmith, he might be able to repair the damaged wheel. I’ve pulled the coach to the side of the road so if anyone is out in this treacherous weather, they will be able to safely pass by. In the meantime, you and your daughter should remain here, my lady, out of the elements. I’ll have a good walk ahead of me and it would be a hard one for you to make.”

She looked out the window, barely able to see the lane he had mentioned, much less any house at its end. It would be a long, cold, wet walk if they got out. The coachman could move much more quickly if they didn’t accompany him.

“All right. We’ll stay here,” she agreed.

The driver exited the vehicle and slammed the door as another loud thunderclap

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