Duke of Disrepute (Dukes of Distinction #3) - Alexa Aston Page 0,12

beside himself with worry. He loves her very much and wants to make her last days peaceful ones. I feel by asking for me that Mama wants to put aside our differences.”

“I see.” He took a sip of his coffee and set the cup down. “How long would you be gone? I know you tutor and watch over our boys.”

“Not long, my lord. Papa seems to think Mama hasn’t got much time.” She paused. “He’s also asked that I bring Claire with me.”

“I see,” he repeated. He closed his newspaper. “Very well. You may go.”

“Might I use the carriage?”

“Oh.” He looked astonished as if he hadn’t thought of how she would get to Shedwell. “I suppose so. How far is it?”

“Around fifty miles.”

“Hmm. Well, once the coachman drops you off, have him and the horses rest and then he is to return at once. Your papa will have to escort you home after your mother’s funeral. It’s only fair for him to resume that responsibility.”

She blew out the breath she’d held. “Thank you so much, my lord. I will leave as soon as I’ve packed.”

Ruthersby glanced to the butler. “Have the coach brought around and tell the driver where he’s to go.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Both Elise and the butler left the breakfast room and the servant said, “I’ll send a maid up to pack for you, my lady.”

“That won’t be necessary. I can do so myself. I could use a footman, though, in half an hour. He may bring my trunk downstairs and load it onto the carriage.”

“Very well, my lady.”

“Would you please send up the housekeeper? We’ll need to talk about who will watch the boys while I am gone.”

They parted and she hurried upstairs to the schoolroom. When she arrived, Joseph was reading to the other two. She knew he couldn’t have completed his verbs but thought it sweet that he’d been eager to read aloud. She reached to the table next to the door and picked up the atlas Norwood had given her. It was the only thing she had of her husband and she would not leave it behind.

Since the children were busy, she hurried to her bedchamber. Her trunk sat in a corner and she wrestled it over and opened it. Elise pulled gowns from the wardrobe for both her and Claire and began packing. She’d almost finished when the door flew open, startling her.

Lady Ruthersby stood in the doorway.

“What are you doing?” she asked shrilly.

“I am packing, my lady. My mother is gravely ill and hasn’t long to live. She is asking for me.”

The countess smirked. “Lady Shelby always thought she was so young and beautiful. That she would live forever. You do know she never really claimed to be your mother? I overheard her several times telling others you were sisters.”

That didn’t surprise Elise in the least. Her mother had flirted her way through social events, acting as a woman half her age.

“You do realize how inconvenient it is for you to leave,” her sister-in-law pointed out.

“How so, my lady?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“You’re abandoning my boys,” was the reply. “Who will act as their governess? Who will keep them occupied during the day? See to their lessons?”

“Joseph and Josiah are both bright boys. A short break in their lessons will not do them any harm. Besides, they both love to read. I’m sure they’ll do plenty of that while Claire and I are gone.”

“Oh. You’re taking her with you.”

“Well, I certainly wouldn’t leave her. Papa is eager to meet her.”

The countess’ lips thinned. “I’m sure he is. Still, who will watch my boys?”

“I’ve sent for the housekeeper. I thought she and I could discuss that.”

“You sent for her? You are not the lady of this household and haven’t been for some time. I will meet with her and decide who will supervise my boys in your absence.”

Elise bowed her head. “As you wish.” She kept it down until she sensed Lady Ruthersby leave.

A last glance around caused her to place her small mirror and comb and brush inside the trunk. She dropped to her knees and reached under the bed, feeling for her satchel. Retrieving it, she slipped in the satchel, a few books, and a stuffed rabbit that Claire slept with every night. She took the bank notes from her pocket and tucked them inside her reticule.

A knock sounded on the door. “My lady, is your trunk ready?”

She turned and saw the footman. “Yes, it is.” She closed and fastened

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