On Dublin Street The Bonus Material - Samantha Young Page 0,42

doesn’t know.”

Cole’s nostrils flared. “He still fucking left you.”

“Yeah. He did. But everything else… he doesn’t know.”

His gut churned. Not only did Walker know something about Hannah he didn’t, that something was obviously something he should goddamn know! “I don’t know what?”

Walker looked more than happy to tell him but Hannah snapped, “Don’t you dare.”

Cole gestured to him, still bristling with his own anger. “He needs to know.”

“And now he will. But I’ll be the one to tell him.” she said.

Done with this schoolyard shit, Marco thought. “Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on here?”

“And me,” Tam, his site Manager appeared, scowling at them all.


If he lost his job over this…

Thankfully, Tam focused his glower on Walker. “You want to tell me why you attacked one of my men on a worksite?”

“I’d like to know the same thing,” Braden Carmichael walked through the crowds with Adam Sutherland at his side. Great. Was the rest of Hannah’s family hiding in the fucking bushes somewhere? His fingers itched with impatience. He just wanted Hannah alone so he could find out what the hell was going on.

“Mr. Carmichael?” Tam’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know you were planning a visit today. I can assure you this has never happened before.”

Shit. If Braden made an issue out of this Marco was definitely in the firing line. Fucking hell, Walker was lucky he wasn’t a vengeful man.

“Keep your trousers on, Tam,” Braden assured him. “That’s my little sister.” He looked back at Hannah and asked her what was going on.

It was on the tip of his tongue to angrily reiterate that question.

She took a step toward her pseudo-brothers. “I need to speak with Marco privately. I’ll explain everything to you but first I need to explain it to him.”

As far as he was concerned what happened between him and Hannah was none of Carmichael’s business and the man was taking too long to answer. Ready to throw his career away and voice that very thought, Braden finally spoke to Tam. “My sister needs the use of the office cabin.”

“Of course,” Tam said congenially, obviously not wanting to fuck off the man who provided most of his business. He gestured to the site office. “It’s empty.”

Marco didn’t hesitate. He pressed a guiding hand to Hannah’s lower back and led her upstairs to the cabin as his site manager yelled at everyone else to get back to work. Hannah was tense beneath his touch, as if she didn’t want it, which only made his frustration build to epic fucking proportions. In his head Hannah Nichols was his woman. There was a time she craved his touch almost as badly as he craved hers.

Feeling her put up that guard between them was just as painful as it was the day he hurried back to her apartment to explain about Dylan only for her to shut him out of her life completely.

Once inside, door closed for privacy, he gave Hannah the distance she seemed to need and strode across the room. His questioning gaze met her soulful, tortured one. Her eyes dipped to his split lip and darkened with apology. “I’m sorry about Cole.”

He could give a fuck about Walker. “I could give a damn about what he did, I want to know why he did it.”

She refused to meet his gaze, chipping away at his patience.


Marco watched as she raised a shaking hand and rubbed her lips nervously.

That feeling, that sick, ball of ugly that had sat in his stomach since the day they broke up suddenly grew. Whatever she had to tell him was bad. Really bad. He suddenly knew that deep down to his bones.

His heart began to beat faster with something like fear.

“When you left me five years ago I was in a really bad place.” She began, and although Marco was prepared to not like what she was going to tell him, knowing that it went all the way to a time he was most ashamed of, to a time he hurt the one person he never wanted to hurt, made his blood run cold. “I thought at first I was just heartbroken, that that was why I wasn’t feeling great. But a few months after you left I was out with Jo and Cole and I felt this indescribable pain. I passed out from it.”

That ugly ball grew even larger.

Suddenly he wasn’t sure he wanted to know anymore. The idea of Hannah being ill—

“When I woke up it was almost

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