On Dublin Street The Bonus Material - Samantha Young Page 0,29

Jo and Malcolm finally looked up from each other.

Cam couldn’t even hide his fury as his eyes clashed with Jo’s beautiful green ones. To his relief he saw the turmoil in them and knew Jo was uncomfortable as hell. Cam was determined to make her more so if it meant pulling her gorgeous head out of her tight arse.

“Oh Cam, Sondra and Jerry have just walked in,” Becca said excitedly, like he was supposed to know who the hell those people were, “Come say hello with me.”

There was nothing he could do but be dragged away and he had to force himself to tear his eyes off Jo before he gave his feelings away.

Unfortunately, Cam had to endure standing with Malcolm and Jo not much later. Becca drew him into a huddle with them and another couple whose names he couldn’t remember. He tried to concentrate. He tried to detach and be cool. But every time that rich fuck put his hand on Jo’s arse or she touched his cheek in affection, laughing at his inane bloody jokes, Cam wanted to punch someone. Preferably Malcolm who was so obviously using Jo.

This guy didn’t know Jo. The real her. They’d been dating months and he wasn’t even trying to know her. And as for Jo… well… she stood there and agreed with shit the man said that Cam knew for a fact she didn’t agree with because she told him her real opinions on politics and the economy and art.

But she just stood there, nodding along to everything Malcolm said, and the moron never questioned it. He didn’t want to question it. All he cared about was having a stunning twenty-two year old in his bed.

Suddenly, the thought of Jo having sex with this guy made Cam’s vision almost blacken with jealousy. He’d never felt jealousy before. He had no goddamn clue it burned this badly.

They lost each other’s company when Becca moved him onto another crowd of guests but Cam surreptitiously watched Jo throughout the evening, that jealousy taking him to the edge of reason. Possessiveness clouded his rational mind and it was what made him follow her when he saw her leave the room solo and head to the bathroom.

The bathroom was at the front entrance and there was no one else around to witness… anything.

Mind only on confronting her, forcing her to admit she was living a lie, Cam followed, pushing the bathroom door open when she tried to shut it behind her. He stepped inside and she stumbled back from him, wide-eyed with surprise.

He not only shut the door behind him, he locked it.

Seething with anger and emotional and sexual frustration he fried her arse to the wall with his glare.

“What are you doing?” she gestured nervously to the door. “Someone could have seen you.”

“Malcolm you mean.”

“Or Becca,” she hissed. “Remember her? Your girlfriend?”

And there it was. The jealousy she couldn’t hide burning in her eyes. Good. Thank fucking Christ he wasn’t the only one losing his mind.

His skin was hot and tight with need and that coiling tension low in his belly only grew tighter with want as he dragged his gaze down her body. Every inch of her was beautiful and he could only imagine how much more beautiful she’d look naked and spread out on his bed. Finally he looked into her eyes. “You look gorgeous tonight. I’ve never seen you like this.”

Her skin flushed and he saw the flash of need in her eyes as the tension between them mounted.

“Let me out of here, Cameron.”

The hot blood flowing toward his dick rushed there at the sound of his name on her lips but he held up his hands in a gesture of surrender and stepped aside.

He had every intention of letting her go.

But her perfume licked at his senses and he remembered that as soon as she walked out there she was walking out to Malcolm.

Fuck that.

Cam needed to show her what she would be missing if she made the wrong choice.

Before Jo could touch the lock he turned her as he shoved her up against the bathroom door, pressing his body into hers and feeling lust shiver down his spine at the feel of soft curves against all his hardness. Wanting her to be aware of nothing but him, he braced his hands on the door at either side of her head, barricading her in.


“Hush,” he shut her up gently and saw her eyes heat with desire she couldn’t bloody hide. Triumphant,

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