Drowning In The Dark - Pippa DaCosta Page 0,58

me. He swirled the tip of his tongue and nipped gently snatching a gasp from me. “Yes.” I exhaled.

“Yes, you have, or yes, you agree to my taking his place?”

I cleared my throat and extricated myself from between him and the kitchen cupboards. “Yes, I’ve thought about it.” I moved into my living room area and fussed with some old magazines. “If I have to do this—which apparently I do—then I want to know how it’s done.” Meeting his gaze, I crossed my arms and lifted my chin. “I need to know all the details.”

He leaned against the countertop and regarded me with that look of perpetual amusement he wore when bored, intrigued, or angry. “If I tell you the details, it will negate the pleasurable aspects.”

“Pleasurable aspects?” I spluttered. “People are dying out there, and I’m not faring much better. Fun is the last thing from my mind right now.”

“Worrying about the demise of anonymous people won’t bring them back.”

Pursing my lips, I planted a hand on a hip. “How very demon of you.”

“Thank you.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

His eyes sparkled. “Do you want to sit here and wallow in your human emotions some more, or do you want to do something to protect these anonymous people? ‘Don’t let me destroy everything I’ve loved,’ those were your words?”

I glared back at him. “Yes.”

“Then let me help you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“Because you’ve been the picture of helpfulness up until now? I’ve lost count the amount of times I’ve seen you help old ladies cross the street or rehome stray dogs or volunteer your services for the benefit of humankind.”

His smile twitched and turned down, and his eyes flared with the touch of amber. “You’re the most infuriating woman I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.”

“Thank you.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.” There was some of that emotion he’d mentioned, just a flicker on his face, a crack in his mask.

“The soul-lock and your part in it, tell me everything now. Otherwise, it doesn’t happen.”

“Must you be so pedantic?”

“Akil, humans have these wonderful little things we like to cling onto called souls. The jury’s still out as to whether demons have them. I sincerely doubt you do. I’m not about to hand mine over without knowing what it entails. Tell me why demons would ever do this to one another? What is the purpose of a soul-lock?”

“An infusion, executed correctly, strengthens both demons. The infusion or soul-lock Damien subjected you to is a knotted cancer. It would never have worked because you weren’t willing. He forced it upon you. Therefore, it had the opposite effect. It weakened you and probably him, although he was too lost in greed to care.” Greed? That coming from the Prince of Greed.

“Okay, so it’s mutually beneficial. What happens when you’re…in me?”

He caught my flinch. “I will not hurt you.”

“Then how does it happen? Before, when Damien…” My chest ached, and despite my best efforts to appear calm, my heart stuttered. I was quite sure the fear showed on my face. I didn’t have the energy to hide myself from Akil. He moved forward but stopped when I shot him a warning glare. “Just tell me.”

“I must weave my element deep inside, pluck out Damien’s hold, discard it, and replace it with my own. Think of it like surgery, if you must. Before, with Damien, you underwent surgery without the aid of an anesthetic. By making it sexual, I can heighten what would be pain into pleasure. It helps that you have your father’s penchant for lust—”

“Stop right there.” I massaged my forehead, fending off a headache.

“You asked for details.”

“I need you to understand. This is… a business transaction. I’m not doing this because I want to.”

“I am painfully aware of that fact.”


“Yes, really. I was about to tell you as much before the Institute shot me down in the alley a few nights ago. I’ve wanted this for a very long time, but…” He smiled, revealing blunt human teeth. “...not in this manner. I’d prefer you wanted to share yourself with me in a genuine union.”

My mouth fell open. Did the gates of hell open and swallow us all? “Holy shit, Akil. Do you hear yourself? Are you feeling alright?”

“Not particularly, but needs must take priority.”

“Okay, look. When all of this is over, we can discuss…” I gestured between us, flicking my hand back and forth with a frown. “…this, whatever it is. Until then, quit being soft. It’s freaking me out.” He settled

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