Drowning In The Dark - Pippa DaCosta Page 0,36

He’d never waste time with hope. His words were clues, allowing me a peek inside his charade.

“Yes. Why else?” I blinked innocent eyes. He caught it, I think. Did we agree? I couldn’t read much beyond the half-smile and spark of intelligence in his eyes.

“You let them poison you again,” he gestured and gave a dismissive shake of his head, “after everything that’s happened?”

“Yes… I…” The words almost slipped free. I needed it. “It was the only way.” If it wasn’t for the Institute’s bad timing, I’d already be free of Damien. Akil would have evicted him, and I’d have that stinking, rotten darkness out of me. I huffed out a sigh, shoulders sinking, suddenly so damn tired. Portents of doom never failed to sour the air.

Akil stood, moved around the table with purpose, and settled his hands on my shoulders. His innate warmth immediately soaked through my muscles. Was it elemental or just male? I couldn’t tell, but it felt wonderful. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against him. The familiar cinnamon and cloves scent of him, warm and comforting, smoothed my frayed nerves. He worked his fingers against my muscles, circling and kneading. I didn’t care that the Institute would be watching. I needed him close. He’d always subdued Damien and rejuvenated my reserves.

“You must leave,” he whispered against my cheek, so softly his breath tickled my skin and scattered needles of desire through me, “Your brother shares your element. Tear it out of him, as you did me. Destroy him before he rallies the remaining princes. You must be demon to do this, Muse. He will not suffer your humanity lightly. His lust will destroy the human in you, as it has the enforcer girl.”

I mumbled something like an agreement, but his touch worked out more than just tension. I found myself drifting in a sea of comfort, wrapped up so tightly in his warmth, that I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep. He massaged lower, fingers easing out the knots in my muscles, working them away.

“He has half bloods—” I murmured. He turned my head to the side, leaned over my shoulder, and captured my lips with a kiss. A ragged bolt of hunger and lust struck at my center. The ravenous need with which I kissed him back should have startled me, but I was too far gone to care. He plundered my mouth, devoured all I had to give, and would have taken more. Fire flared within me—ethereal, demon— and behind it swirled the dark like a looming storm. I gasped and tried to pull back. Akil clamped his hand to the back of my head and held me still. Whispers hissed from his lips, words I recognized only as part of the soul-lock, ancient words pregnant with elemental energy.

“Release Muse.” Adam’s voice shattered the spell riding me, but still Akil continued. His words touched my lips and dove inside, racing down my throat, and gathered like a lead weight in my belly. My parasite twisted. When Akil’s words stopped, so did the assault on my hitchhiker.

He touched his forehead to mine. “If they believed us allies, they would not allow you this close,” he whispered. “This gift will help. Be demon, Muse, but don’t let it win. I will come to you when I am ready.”

“Release her,” Adam’s disembodied voice barked. “We won’t ask again.”

So close to Akil, lost in his eyes, I witnessed his eyebrow arch before he gave me a hint of a smile and jerked away, lifting his hands. See? Harmless. Right. Akil had power. I touched my lips, absorbing the warmth through my fingertips.

“Muse.” Adam beckoned, not sounding particularly pleased.

I wobbled out of the chair and staggered to the door, head light, body numb, fire simmering, and darkness swirling. It was all I could do not to collapse in a heap and ride out the aftereffects of whatever Akil had just done to me.


“What the hell was that?” Adam sat rigid behind his desk, leaning forward, face the picture of frustration. “What did he do?”

I arched an eyebrow. “I would have thought that was obvious.” The lingering sensation of his gift tingled on my lips. Adam had marched me down the hall to his office as soon as I’d left Akil’s cell.

“Don’t treat me like a fool, Muse. You’re in my world now. The temp-sensors in the room spiked. He still has power.”

Well, duh. I rubbed at my forehead. “I think it’s

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