Drown Her Sorrows (Bree Taggert #3) - Melinda Leigh Page 0,38

dollars in cash?” Bree asked.

Shannon shrugged. “Holly said she sold some of her designer clothes and purses. I didn’t think much of it. She liked to shop, even when she couldn’t afford it.”

Matt and Bree shared a look. It was doubtful that Holly had made that much money selling secondhand clothes, even designer labels.

Shannon raised teary eyes and waved a hand in the vague direction of her kitchen. “Who would want to scare me like this? I’ve never hurt anybody.”

“I don’t know. Yet.” Bree folded her notepad and stuffed it into her back pocket.

“OK.” Shannon’s voice trembled. She brought her legs onto the couch and wrapped her arms around her knees. She didn’t look reassured.

Bree returned her revolver and bullets. “How long have you owned your gun?”

“About ten years,” Shannon said, pocketing the ammunition.

“How often do you go to the range?” Bree asked.

“Not as often as I should,” Shannon admitted. “It’s been a few months.”

“It’s not much good to you unless you practice,” Bree said.

“I’ll go soon,” Shannon promised.

Bree and Matt left. The deputy settled into his vehicle to keep watch. Outside, Bree got into her SUV and lowered her window. She lifted the evidence bag that contained the doll. Its face was scraped and faded. “It looks old. I doubt we’ll be able to trace its purchase.”

Matt leaned on the open window. The doll was creepy. “Anyone who has or ever had kids could have one of those lying around.”

“Easy enough to find them at garage sales too.” Bree set the bag aside. “I’ll drop it off at the forensics lab and see if the techs can pull trace evidence or fingerprints. Since it was floating in water, I suspect not. But it’s worth a try. You never know what will cling to an object.” She looked up from the doll. “I’ll pick you up in the morning for our meeting with Paul.”

“OK.” Matt didn’t like the circles under her eyes. He would help her however he could. But there was nothing else to be done tonight. He stepped back and gestured toward the house. “This is clearly related to Holly’s murder. Until we find her killer, Shannon isn’t safe.”


Matt threw the ball across his backyard. Greta, a black German shepherd he was currently fostering for Cady, tore across the yard like a cannonball. She scooped up the ball midstride, whirled, and raced back to Matt. She dropped it at his feet, backed up, and barked.

“Aren’t you demanding?” Matt snagged the ball from the ground with a lacrosse stick and sent it flying again. Greta streaked after it.

Matt looked down at the tan-and-black German shepherd stretched out behind him in a patch of morning sun. “How long before she tires out?”

Brody yawned and rested his big head on his paws.

“You’re probably right,” Matt said to his dog. “You used to have that much energy.”

Brody rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. Despite his lazy attitude, he missed the work as much as Matt did.

Greta dropped the ball at Matt’s feet and barked. He repeated the lacrosse-stick maneuver, and she raced after the ball again.

“Is she always this energetic?” Bree’s voice sounded behind him.

Matt spun around. Bree was leaning on the fence, her gaze tracking the black blur racing on the grass.

“Yes,” he said.

Greta returned. Matt scooped up the ball and commanded her to sit in German. One hundred percent focused on him, the lean black dog obeyed.

“Is that normal?” Bree looked wary, but then, she always did around the big dogs.

Brody stood and stretched. He ambled over to the gate and wagged his tail at Bree. Hesitantly, she reached over the gate and touched his head. Brody sat politely.

“She’s a young and very driven dog, which is why she’ll make a great K-9,” Matt said.

“I can’t get the county commissioners to even talk about money for K-9 training. They keep putting off our budget meeting.”

Matt sighed. “So? You knew this would happen. You planned on it. Cady is determined to place Greta with the sheriff’s department. She’ll make it happen. The fundraiser will be a success.” Ladybug and Greta had both come from Cady’s rescue. “She suggested we host a black-tie casino night. She’s done that in the past, and it worked well for her. Big donors like the publicity. I’ll bring Greta in and show her off.”

Bree gave Greta a doubtful look. “Will she be ready for her performance?”

“She’s gorgeous and smart.” Matt gave the dog a hand signal, and she dropped to her belly. He

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