Of Dreams and Sorcery (Royal Fae Guardians #1) - Heather Renee Page 0,46

her and gave her a squeeze. “While I appreciate your words, the actions aren’t necessary. I’m just ready to get this over with and see what the Otherworld is all about.”

She raised a brow at me. “So, you’re telling me the weirdness I sense from you has nothing to do with why Ryland is missing?”

“Yep. Ryland’s a big boy. I’m sure he’s fine. He doesn’t concern himself with my business, and I won’t be concerning myself with his.”

She shook her head, but thankfully let it go. “Alright, then. Let’s get ready.”

While she got the clothes, I took a quick shower to rinse off the dirt and sweat from the test and felt like a new person once I stepped out of the water. Even after almost two weeks, I still was fascinated with the effects water had on me. Hopefully, I wouldn’t ever tire of it or take it for granted.

Jordan was nowhere to be seen, but there was an outfit on my bed when I got out of the shower that was actually something that I was okay with. It was a one-piece suit with a hard, two-tone exterior and a soft layer on the inside. The outer layer was black and dark grey, possibly made from Kevlar or something similar. Though, I hoped it wasn’t for dodging bullets and only to protect from magical hits.

The last two items were a jacket made from the same material as the outfit and a pair of sturdy boots that went all the way to my knees. Everything fit perfectly, like it was made just for me. Even with the hard exterior, the clothes formed so well to my body, I could move with absolute ease.

Once I was dressed, I headed to the bathroom and forcibly removed my crown in order to manhandle my hair into submission. After it was brushed and braided and the crown was placed back where it belonged, I took a long look in the mirror.

My blonde highlights shone brightly through the plait, and my eyes were crystal-like against my tanned skin from being outdoors training so much. There was almost a flow about me, a sense of accomplishment and power flooding through me.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I was petrified of this place. Sure, I had been curious, but knowing magic was real wasn’t as fun as it sounded. It came with complications humans didn’t have to worry about, but as I stared in the mirror, I could see the changes I’d already made in such a short time. No matter what came my way, I’d be able to give my best without any doubts.

Jordan came rushing back inside, seeming out of breath. “Oh, good. You’re ready. Let’s go.”

“Uh, where have you been for the last five minutes?” I asked, surprised to see she was already dressed, but still somehow seemed disheveled.

“Just checking on something. Come on. The others are already at the portal, and Stryx said he’d leave us behind if we don’t hurry.”

He was way bossier than I would have ever expected, but in a way, I loved it. He was always honest when he was able, and he seemed to truly care about what happened to me. So, even though I sometimes wanted to pluck all of his feathers out when he tortured me, I still loved him.

My parents were waiting outside the guest house, and my mom’s eyes welled up when she saw me. “You look exactly like your grandmother.”

My parents never talked about our family when we were on Earth, for good reason, and we hadn’t had much time since arriving in Arvayta, so for the first time, I truly sensed the grief pouring from them. My heart broke, and I made a silent promise to ask more about my ancestors when we got back.

They deserved to be remembered and talked about. The dead weren’t something to avoid; they were to be celebrated even if their time was cut too short.

“I love you, Mom,” I whispered when I hugged her tightly.

“I love you, too.”

Dad hugged me as well, but it didn’t last long as Jordan huffed impatiently. “Come on.”

With one last wave to them, I followed Jordan’s port, and we arrived at a row of smaller waterfalls that led to who knew where.

“Alright, we’re here. Let’s go.” Jordan tugged on my arm.

She was being awfully pushy, even more so than usual, so I knew something was up, but I had no idea what. Stryx didn’t seem to mind, and Oliver was

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