Of Dreams and Sorcery (Royal Fae Guardians #1) - Heather Renee Page 0,25

or turned over to him by month’s end, then he would start punishing the other races until someone brought you to him.”

A hiss escaped my lips as hatred for someone I’d never even met flowed freely through me. This fae was hitting right where it counted most for me: harming innocent people.

“So, when do I go meet him?” I asked, because to me there really was no other choice. I wouldn’t be able to handle the death of others on my conscience, so we either needed to set a meeting with the psycho or find a way to kill him first.

“That’s not happening, Kaliah. You’re not ready,” Dad snapped.

“And whose fault is that? Certainly not mine.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them, but the thought of other people dying on my behalf was making me extra snarky.

“Kali, I know this sucks, but your parents are doing their best, given the situation,” Jordan said, trying to calm the tension.

“I understand that, but they’re not the ones who have to live with being the cause of however many murders. I’m not trying to be a martyr by any means, but I do have a heart. My life isn’t worth more than anyone else’s.”

They all shared a look that said I wasn’t going to win the argument, so before I said something else out of anger, I decided I needed a moment alone. Without excusing myself, I headed upstairs and decided to let them keep talking, because I knew it didn’t really matter what I said. I was going to be outnumbered and overruled.

Though, I also trusted that Jordan would have my back now that she knew how I felt. She would be my voice if needed, so I didn’t worry about it too much. Instead, I went to the upper balcony I’d found when I was done getting ready earlier that day. Opening the door, I sucked in a deep breath of crisp air and closed my eyes.

Stryx, where are you?

I missed my fluffy little friend. He’d know what to do with the information being given, yet he was nowhere to be found. He’d promised he would be here, and I was finding it harder to believe he was going to follow through as more time passed.

I’ll be there soon. Quit acting like a baby.

My eyes snapped open, and my head swiveled in every direction. “Stryx? Where are you?”

I’m in Dásos, but I’ll be in Arvayta soon. Just be patient and quit yelling. It’s giving me a headache.

Are you in my head? I whisper-yelled in my own mind, because this was the craziest thing I’d experienced thus far. As I paid more attention to the situation, a prodding sensation pressed down on my head each time he spoke.

He sighed, like speaking with me was the last thing he wanted to be doing. Yes, Kaliah. I’ll explain more just as soon as I can. Give me a little bit longer to sort some things out. I promise, it will be worth it.

The pressure released from my head and I knew he’d left. How he even got in my head in the first place was beyond me. Though it was creepy, it was also convenient. Hearing from him did give me some peace.

Moving to the edge of the balcony, I glanced around the property until I felt like my heart rate had calmed enough to go back and finish the conversation with the others.

Stryx was exaggerating by saying I’d been acting like a child. Sure, I could have worded things better, and I did feel bad about blaming my parents for my lack of being prepared for this world. They had been given difficult options, and since I’d never been a mom, I couldn’t say I would have made different choices. Regardless, my feelings weren’t going to change, and I needed to make sure not to roll over and do as I was told just because I was new to the place.

Arvayta was a complicated world, and I was worried it was going to take me years to figure out. We didn’t have the luxury of me taking my sweet time with it. I knew my parents had promised some down time before I was thrust into training, but it was no longer an option we could afford.

Deciding it was time we made a plan that included me being involved, I headed back downstairs, but as the voices drifted up to me, I slowed my pace and listened in.


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