Dream Maker - Kristen Ashley Page 0,74

you can make. But sustained and deliberate lying is also the betrayal of intimacy spouses share, so I do not condone Rob fucking you over, but wake up, Mom. Not only did you start it, you keep doing the same.”

With that, I hung up, and since she was already blocked, I didn’t have to complete that chore.

So, I stopped pacing, stood there and stared unseeing in front of me, remembering my conversation with Mag while I was making us hamburgers.

It had been on the tip of my tongue to ask him how you scraped off family that was bleeding you dry.

At that time, I hadn’t been ready for his answer because that would lead to expected action and I wasn’t ready for that either.

Now, apparently, I’d figured it out.

And I didn’t know what to expect, but my hope was, it would make me feel free.

It didn’t.

It made me realize in a profound way what I did not have, all they’d taken from me, my complicity in that, and the fact those conversations were utterly no fun, and having them might just be the last thing they’d forced my hand to do.

I felt something land on my head and I jumped.

When I looked up and around, I saw it was Tex’s hand.

“That wasn’t easy,” he low-boomed. “But you stuck to your guns. I’m proud of you, girl.”

His words.

Those words.

No one had ever said them to me.

And so, in hearing them for the first time at age twenty-seven, I couldn’t stop it.

I burst out crying.

But unlike the many times I’d done it before, the instant it started, I was engulfed in a bear hug that communicated caring, warmth and pride.

Which made me cry even harder.

Those arms didn’t loosen.

My phone in my hand rang and they still didn’t loosen when I forced it between Tex and me to look at the screen.

It said “Stepdad Rob.”

“It’s my stepdad,” I mumbled.

“I think you’ve had enough for today, darlin’,” Tex advised in what I read as a Tex Gentle Tone. And I read that because it was kinda loud, but it rumbled in his chest in a way I just knew, if a baby was resting against that chest while he spoke in that voice, the noise would make no difference. That baby would be lulled right to sleep.

I looked up at him. “I don’t think I should draw it out. I just want to have it done and move on.”

“Your call, Evie,” he said.

I nodded.

He let me go.

And, swiping carefully at my eyes with one hand (because I felt I had a shiner, maybe two), I took the call with the other.

“Rob,” I greeted and didn’t let him get a word in, especially when I heard my mother wailing in the background. “No offense, but I said all that needed to be said to Mom.”

“Okay, Evie, all right, sweetheart.” He was speaking fast. “But please don’t hang up because I don’t know what’s happening. She’s in a state like I’ve never seen and she’s sayin’ you been kidnapped and shot at?”

“No. I was just kidnapped while cleaning up my apartment that was searched, nearly everything in it destroyed, and the man I’m seeing who was helping out, he wasn’t only shot at, he was shot. Through and through to the shoulder.”

“Holy fuck,” Rob breathed out.

“And I’m in a mood, so take this as you will, I wouldn’t normally get involved, but Mom knew. She knew my apartment had been destroyed and she didn’t give a fuck. She phoned me and hurled words at me, ticked I didn’t keep those drugs safe for Mick. They got them, after jacking up my car to steal them from my trunk. I’ll grant she couldn’t know that would move onward to me being kidnapped and Danny shot. But since Mick is a drug dealer and he involved me in his work, it isn’t a big surprise either.”

“Did you know?” he asked, not me.

“Is that her? Is that my Evie?” I heard Mom ask in the background. “Let me talk to her.”

“Did you know about her apartment and those drugs being taken?” Rob pushed.

“Let me talk to her, darlin’. I gotta know where she is. I gotta see with my own eyes my baby’s all right,” Mom pleaded.

“Woman!” Rob roared so loud, I had to take the phone away from my ear. “Did you know she was in this kind of danger?”


“Answer me, goddamn it!”

“Don’t talk to me that way!” Mom shrieked.

He was back to me. “Evie, are you okay?”


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