Dream Maker - Kristen Ashley Page 0,140

for you came. Since I got it for your workstation, and I had a free afternoon, I thought I’d bring it in.”

His brows were up, and he asked, “Present?”

I dug in my bag, pulled it out and handed it to him.

When he saw what it was, he looked even more confused, until he took it and turned the writing around so he could read it.

Then he busted out laughing.

I pretended to be miffed even though I was not.

From the very beginning, I loved making him laugh.

“You think that title is funny?” I asked.

I barely got the last word out before he tugged sharply on my hand and I landed in his lap.

He held me in the curve of one arm even as he rotated us and leaned forward, taking me with him, doing this to set the old-fashioned, aluminum-framed plaque with its slide-in plate in faux wood with wording on it at the head of his workstation.

It said in white, #1 BOYFRIEND, and under that, DANIEL JAROD MAGNUSSON.

I watched as he adjusted it so it was centered perfectly, and I thought he was joking around until he titched it just a centimeter.

That was when I looked at his face to see he was genuinely concentrating on what he was doing like the perfect placement of that plaque was of the utmost importance.

“Danny,” I whispered.

He lifted those crazy-gorgeous eyes with those fabulously amazing eyelashes to me.

“Won’t move it, baby, until that title changes and you get me a new one.”


I was going to cry.

He saw it.

So he tipped his head further back, I got his message…

And kissed him.

I broke it with my hand cradling his jaw, but I didn’t move very far away.

“Are we allowed to make out at your workstation?” I asked.


I gave him a small smile.

“Are you gonna get shit for your plaque?” I asked.

“Totally,” he answered.

The smile on my lips died, but that didn’t mean the happiness was gone.

“You don’t care, do you?” I whispered.

“Not even a little bit,” he whispered back.

“All my life, you know?”

“All your life what, baby?”

“Until you.”

He curved both arms around me and his voice was growly when he asked, “Until me, what?”

“The people I loved made loving them hard. Until you.”

I got just a growl for that as Danny slid a hand up my spine, into my hair, and then my mouth was on his again.

We made out and we kept doing it even when we heard the door open.

And we continued even as we heard boots on steps and Hawk muttering, “Yeah, Jesus, somebody kill me.”

Only then did we break it off.

Because Danny was laughing.

I was giggling.

And all was right in the world.

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Boone Sadler is the one man Ryn Jansen wants—and the one man she won’t let herself have.

Don’t miss their epic story in

Dream Chaser

Available late 2020

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Chapter One

Less and Less You


Iwas wiped.

Even so, I was still heading up the walk to my brother’s ex’s house at seven o’clock in the morning regardless if I drove away from Smithie’s after dancing at his club only four hours before.

This was because Angelica called me, sharing she had another migraine, and she needed me to help her get the kids to school.

My brother’s kids.

My niece and nephew.

And Angelica did not call on my brother Brian because she knew he was probably passed out so drunk, if she could wrangle miracles and was able to wake him, he’d come over and still be hammered.

So she called on me.

I made the door, knocked, but knew the drill.

It’d be open.

The knock was just a formality.

I pushed in and saw immediately that Angelica had not changed her ways in the two days since I’d been there to get the kids and take them to my place to hang because her back was spasming.

Although the house wasn’t filthy, it also wasn’t tidy.

There was kid stuff everywhere. Toys and markers and such. A basket of laundry was on the couch that I couldn’t tell if it was clean, and needed to be folded and put away, or dirty and needed to be washed. A wasted chip bag that, considering nutrition wasn’t high on her priority list for her or her children, it was a toss-up if it was left behind on that end table by Angelica, or one of the kids. Same with a can of Coke.


Even not filthy, the carpet seriously needed to be vacuumed.

“Auntie Rynnie!”

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