Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,89

to be a big coincidence. Plus, some reports mention dark, smoky wings."

"Yeah, that about nails it," I said. The angel didn't have wings per se, but when she was using her magic, smoky apparitions in the shape of wings appeared, spreading from her back.

"Your angel has been a busy little bee," Elyssa said. "Didn't she give you some way to contact her?"

Katie arched her eyebrows. "Yeah, like a phone number? Email address?"

"No." I sighed. "Not even a friend request. She wanted me to choose a side. Her side. Then she could give me a gift, which I assume meant I could contact her whenever."

"And you didn't decide?" Elyssa said, brow wrinkled. "After all the times she's helped us?"

I pushed away from the table and paced. "I know, I know. Seems like a big mistake in hindsight." My gaze found Elyssa. "But what if I choose wrong? What if Nightliss isn't what she seems to be?"

"Seems like a slam dunk," Katie said. "At least from what you've told me."

I dropped back into my seat. "Yeah. Maybe it is." I definitely regretted my indecisiveness now. Time was against me and Felicia. To make matters worse, Maximus was still free and probably up to his old games. Every minute I sat here was another minute my nemesis could fortify his position and another heartbeat closer Felicia and I were to un-death. I'd been inside his Atlanta compound while saving my father. While it wasn't built like a fort, there were only few ways inside. Risking open war with him might expose the Overworld. The Templar Custodians had barely kept things under control in Bogota. In Atlanta, it would be almost impossible.

If noms discovered the existence of the supernatural in their midst, all hell would break loose. At this stage of the game, however, it might not matter, especially if Daelissa managed to restore the Grand Nexus and allow her people back into our world. Their reemergence would give a whole new meaning to hell on Earth.

"Why didn't Nightliss help us with Maximus?" Katie said. "All the stuff she's done, and she didn't lift a finger to help. You could have died."

I had to admit, it worried me a little bit. Nightliss had proven herself powerful and capable. But she'd also told me she wasn't fully recovered from the destruction of the Grand Nexus centuries ago. She might be overextending herself. Sitting here was no longer an option. I had to find her. I had to stop Maximus.

My calf throbbed, sending a jolt of pain up my body.

I struggle against the tight bonds. Dash leans toward me, his eyes wild and crazy. He throws back his head and laughs. Skin flakes from his cheeks, his nose, his mouth, leaving raw muscle and bone. Blood streams from his eyes and ears, trailing down his throat. Still, he continues his hysterical laughter as I look up, helpless.

Fury burns through me. Blinding pain jabs into my skull. I will kill them. Kill them all. The table beneath me groans. Bends. Snaps in two. I am free. Free!


My face stung. Rubbing my cheek, I looked at Elyssa. She and Katie's expressions were filled with uncertainty—maybe even fear. "What—where?"

"You were shaking. Yelling." Katie looked down.

I looked at the table. I'd gripped it so tight, the metal had bent. "Uh." Words failed me. "I guess I'm stressed out more than I thought."

"That would be putting it mildly," Katie said.

Elyssa touched my hand. "We need to talk with Meghan."

"Can't it wait?"

Her eyes went hard. "You promised."

I jerked my hand out from beneath hers. "Fine. Let's go."

"If it is acceptable to you, Justin, I will remain here." The gray man had hardly spoken a word since taking a seat in the corner of the room.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Perhaps I will attempt being bored as you suggested earlier. It sounds interesting."

"It's not all that interesting," I said. "Why don't you practice being happy instead? We could all use a little more happiness right now."

He tilted his head. "I will consider it, Justin."

We left him in his corner, and walked to the infirmary where we found a team of healers treating Templars wounded from the day before. Meghan saw us and approached.

"Any luck finding Nightliss?" she asked.

"Not yet." I sighed. "Can we speak somewhere private?"

Her eyebrow quirked. "Sure." She led us outside the squat adobe building and took us behind it. Turned to face me. "What's on your mind?"

"Show her," Elyssa said, voice tight.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked. "Justin?"

I pulled up my pants leg.

Meghan's eyes went

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