Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,80

before I could stop them."

Fausta bit her lip. "And what's on the other side?"

"Let's just say this place is about to be overrun. By vamplings."

Screams echoed from far down the tunnel. My blood went cold, and the hairs on my neck bristled. Elyssa's porcelain skin went a shade whiter. She took a step back, hands grasping the hilts of her sai swords in a manic grip.

I put a hand on her wrist. "Are you okay?"

Her pupils were wide and dilated. "I—I'm sorry. The memories. Almost dying…"

I enclosed her in my arms. "I'll save you again if I have to."

She managed a weak smile. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Another gold star for your fridge?"

I replied with a long deep kiss. "I don't need gold stars, just the touch of your lips."

"I really must write that down for the romance novel I'm writing," Bella said.

Embarrassment flushed my face and I pulled away, having forgotten the world didn't really stop when I kissed Elyssa. "We'd better move out."

"We need to contain these things ourselves," Michael said, face grim. "The space is too narrow to bring down a large force of Templars." His eyes locked onto the cages at the back of the room and the vampling there. In a few quick steps, he closed the distance, and impaled the zombified vampire's head. The vampling hissed and flailed, despite the sword jutting from its skull. Michael slid his sword free and stared at the creature. "They don't die easily."

"Da nah!" screamed the cherub, its nubby arms grasping at Michael's legs.

He ran it through with his sword.

A shrill scream tore from the creature's mouth. A tortured face appeared beneath the smooth oily surface on its head where the nose and eyes should have been. Smoky black wings, insubstantial apparitions unfolded from its back. Despite the scream, it didn't die.

Michael slid his sword from the cherub's flesh with a sick, wet sound. His eyes met mine. For a moment, I almost sensed understanding in his gaze. Respect. And then the moment was gone.

I looked around for my lost gun, but settled for an assault rifle left by a fallen vampire. If I could avoid shooting myself or my companions, it might come in handy. Elyssa adjusted the straps on my scabbard, tilting the sword so I could reach it.


She kissed me on the cheek. "Michael and I will take point. You help guard the rear."

Fausta raised an eyebrow. "Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the one in charge here, Borathen."

Elyssa rolled her eyes. "Fine. Orders, sir?"

"Michael and I will take point. Bella, you and the Healers will barricade yourselves in here and keep an eye on the prisoners. Borathen, you and incubus boy guard our flank. I've ordered squads to block all the exits so the vamplings can't escape and infect the populace."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Elyssa said, tossing in a sarcastic salute.

"You really don't make a good soldier," I said in a low voice. "You're too used to bossing everyone around."

A confident smile spread her lips. "Because I'm usually right."

"Move out," Fausta said.

"I'm coming, too," Adam said, anger burning in his eyes. "I've got plenty of juice left."

Fausta nodded. "Let's do it."

We headed for the door, leaving Meghan and Bella behind. Then my stomach heaved and cold sweat broke out on my face. I staggered, taking deep breaths to keep from upchucking all over the place.

"What's wrong?" Elyssa said, gripping my arm to keep me upright.

Meghan came to my side, and ran her wand along my body. "Magic poisoning." She took my chin and turned my gaze into her blue eyes. "Did you do any spells recently?"

"Yeah." I told her about the camouflaged hole.

"I think he saved me from that explosion earlier too," Adam said. "Because my shield wouldn't have done a thing to protect me from a blast like that."

Meghan's eyes grew wide. "A complete novice containing an explosion? Impossible."

"The boy has potential," Bella said.

"Can you make me feel better until we get through this?" I asked, though the nausea seemed to be fading again.

Meghan sighed and pulled a piece of bubblegum from a pouch on her side. "Chew this. I give it to first-timers to help with the sickness. But they usually don't have it this bad." She pulled out another piece. "On second thought, have two."

I tossed them in my mouth and chewed. "Minty."

"Is he okay to fight?" Fausta asked, eyes narrowed.

"The gum will help." Meghan pursed her lips. "And he has more spirit than most, anyway. Considering what he's been through, I wouldn't

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