Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,65

the map right next to the hidden hatches. "There are Templars sentries stationed right next to them. They'd report the hatches and the mole would find out. Should that happen, Maximus would be sure to seal them off."

While his argument made sense, Elyssa couldn't help but feel Underborn was playing at something else. Something bigger. What it was, she couldn't say.

Fausta considered the map. "We are closest to the alley, so we'll take that route." She picked up her phone, configured it into wireless radio mode, and contacted the main force of Templars near the compound. After a moment, she got through to Lieutenant Martinez.

"Commander Salazar told me you're leading in a rescue team," the officer said. "I'm ready to commit the rest of our forces, but he told me to wait on your go-ahead." An exasperated note sounded in her voice.

Fausta's eyes gleamed in triumph. "I'm transmitting the location of a secret entrance to you. I suggest you send a force there. My group will enter via a tunnel on the other side. On my signal, we can flank them, and once we have their attention, you can lead the main assault."

"Where did you get this information?" Lieutenant Martinez replied after a brief pause. "Why wasn't I informed?"

"It's new intel." Fausta sent the coordinates. "What's the status of our squads on the inside?"

"The stealth squads went in before the command came down to withdraw. They're surrounded and cut off. We had no idea about these cursed bullets the commander told me about."

"No time to waste then," Fausta replied. "Get your people in position and tell me when they're ready."

"I don't think the lieutenant is happy taking orders from a sergeant," Bella said.

Fausta grinned. "I know. Isn't it great?"

Michael unlatched a compartment on the bottom of the slider and slid it out to reveal an array of weaponry.

Fausta grabbed a pair of katanas, and fastened the sheaths on her back in less than thirty seconds, then raised an eyebrow at Elyssa as if daring her to do better.

Elyssa ignored the other woman, deciding on a pair of sai swords, a couple of flash grenades, and a lancer on each wrist. The darts would incapacitate anyone who got in their way.

Fausta groaned. "Sai swords again?" She looked appreciatively at Michael's katanas. "At least your brother has good taste in swords."

Meghan and the others grabbed lancers as well. Adam pshawed and pulled out a pair of automatic pistols.

"We're trying to keep casualties low," Elyssa said.

Fausta shook her head. "Not if I can help it." She slapped the compartment shut and motioned the group on. "Those bastards are taking out Templars. Friends of mine. I plan on getting some payback."

Elyssa had mixed feelings about it. "Most of Maximus's recruits are probably kids or young adults no older than me. In case you've forgotten, he has a knack for brainwashing people and using vampire compulsion to make them do what he wants."

"Are you saying his rogue army is full of innocent wittle kiddies?" Fausta said, her tone mocking. "Maybe we can tell their parents."

"Elyssa has a point," Michael said. "Maximus and his lieutenants are responsible for this. Let's not indiscriminately kill everyone until we sort things out."

Adam took a polished wooden rod about six inches long from a pouch on his side and shook it. It sprang into a staff. "I'm looking forward to sorting this out." With the automatic pistols in holsters at his side and thick glasses on his nose, he looked like an odd cross between a cowboy, wizard, and geek. He pulled the glasses off and stuffed them into the pouch.

"Don't you need those?" Elyssa asked.

Adam chuckled. "My eyes are perfectly fine. Those are just for show." He winked. "Don't tell anyone."

They reached the alley. Michael hunted around on the paved ground until he found a brick embossed with the tiny symbol of an eye. He pressed the symbol three quick times and a hatch popped open, revealing a ladder.

"Ladies first," said Fausta as she slid down the ladder.

Elyssa followed close behind, swallowing the ball of nerves in her throat, and followed Fausta into the dark. The Italian woman shouted.

Elyssa turned just as someone rammed Fausta and sent her tumbling back.

Chapter 21

Katie screamed bloody murder.

She whipped out the automatic rifle she'd taken from the vampire. Pressed it against her hip. And unleashed a hail of bullets at the vampires. Her entire body shook with the explosive kickback. Vampires dove left and right. One screamed as a bullet struck his leg.

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