Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,36

I said, this entire fiasco has Daelissa's fingerprints all over it."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"The plan your father detailed will not result in the outcome you desire, I'm afraid."

"What do you—wait a minute, the war room's doors are sealed against magical eavesdropping. How do you know what the plan is?"

The former Templar tapped his temple. "I have my resources."

Elyssa brushed aside his reply with a wave of her hand. "Whatever. I don't care. If you have a plan to rescue Justin, I'm all for it."

"That's the spirit, young lady."

Elyssa lashed out lightning-quick toward Underborn's chair with her foot. The man was out of the chair even before her blurring kick connected with it, and watched calmly as her foot splintered the chair into kindling.

He raised an eyebrow at the ruined furniture. "I take it you don't like being patronized."

Though she was shocked at the speed with which he'd moved, Elyssa controlled her expression and gave him an even stare. "You might say that. Treat me like an equal and maybe you'll have someplace to sit next time."

She heard a chuckle from somewhere behind her and turned to see Underborn's looming companion watching the pair of them. "Who's the slab of meat you brought with you?"

Underborn flicked his fingers as if her question were unimportant. "Just some muscle."

As if the assassin needed anyone else. Elyssa had never seen someone move as fast as Underborn. "Fine. Back to my original question. What's the plan?"

"I have resources on the inside, though it took some considerable effort to put them into place. They will free Justin and lead him out. We'll meet them outside the compound and make away with him."

Elyssa crossed her arms. "That simple, huh?"


She had to admit it sounded pretty simple and doable. No need to sneak in, find him, and rescue him, like she and Justin had to do for his father. Maximus had captured Justin's father, David, and used him as his own special blood reserve. Vampires considered spawn blood something of a delicacy.

Elyssa took a minute to think. Maximus's desire for spawn blood had to be twofold. First, of course, he probably enjoyed the taste. Second, the vampire was too young to turn a nom into one of his kind and most likely thought drinking enough spawn blood might enhance his ability to do so. Elyssa had no idea if Justin's blood could do such a thing or not. She figured Maximus was simply a desperate vampire grasping at straws. Until his blood aged, he'd be unable to turn anyone, and those he tried to turn would be infected with a curse. One that would turn them into a member of the walking dead, a vampling.

"When is the rescue scheduled?" Elyssa asked.

"At four in the morning. Since your father plans to begin the assault at noon, we don't have much time."

"But won't the vampires be at their strongest during the night?"

Underborn nodded. "It can't be helped. We have to get Justin out before the assault or Maximus might move him to a secret location. A place we'd never find him."

The downside to this subterfuge was relying on someone else to rescue her boyfriend. Elyssa itched to get in on the action. To make sure all went to plan. She was a dhampyr, after all. She could hide her heat signature from the vampires and pose as one.

"Believe me, Miss Borathen, things will go more smoothly if you don't try to interfere with the operation."

One word in his sentence piqued her suspicion. Interfere? "Why are you telling me this if my only job is to wait around until Justin is led outside? You don't even need me for that." Elyssa searched his expression for a clue, but he was too skilled at hiding his intent behind a poker face. "Tell me what you really want."

Underborn pursed his lips. "It isn't so much what I want as what I don't want."

"Maybe you can say that again, but this time, try to make sense."

"The Templars are patrolling the perimeter, keeping eyes on the comings and goings of the vampires."

Elyssa shrugged. "Normal procedure. Our intel would be dangerously outdated if we didn't keep a constant watch."

The assassin nodded. "Unfortunately, it means when we go in to retrieve Justin, those same eyes will be watching us."

"So what?" Elyssa tapped her chin in contemplation as she tried to unravel the weave of Underborn's plot. He had to have ulterior motives. All anecdotal evidence about this man indicated he was exceptional at leading his

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