Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,18

sleep. I was too tuckered out to do much more.

Elyssa flew down the stairs the minute the barrier illusion vanished. "Justin, I'm sorry, I really am, but—"

Thomas Borathen came down the stairs, a squad of Templars at his heels. His icy blue eyes bored into me.

"What the hell?" Shelton said.

Elyssa's father ignored Shelton, folding his arms over his chest. "So, young Mr. Slade, are you ready to go?"


"Why, Bogota, of course. Elyssa explained the situation. I communicated with Commander Salazar, and his people are standing by."

I raised an eyebrow. "Just like that?"

He snapped his fingers. "Just like that. We are Templars, young man, not a ragged group of misfits."

"The kid's exhausted," Shelton said. "Can't this wait?"

Thomas glanced coolly at the sorcerer. "He can rest upon his arrival."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Bella said, appearing from the hallway.

Now that the shock was wearing off, some of my earlier depression melted away. "It's fine, Bella." I didn't know why Thomas was so eager to get me on my way, and I didn't care. He was ready to help, and I was ready to go. "I'll pack." I'd stored clothes at a couple of Shelton's hideouts in case of an emergency. Despite Thomas's offer of a place to stay at Big Creek Ranch, aka The Ranch, aka the Templar compound in Atlanta, I didn't feel safe sleeping in a place where he could come by and decapitate me at any moment.

Elyssa followed me back to the bedrooms. "He really surprised me," she said.

"Maybe he wants to get the blood potion off the streets," I replied. "I sincerely doubt he gives two craps about my sister."

"No, he agreed before I even told him about the blood potions."

I shoved a handful of clean underwear into my duffel bag and paused. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "Knowing my dad, he probably wants to move fast before the enemy finds out about his movements."

"How would Maximus know what your dad is up to?"

"He might have vampires watching the compound for all we know." Elyssa crossed her arms. "Keeping the enemy off balance is a favorite tactic of my father's."

"You're going, right?" I grabbed a stack of T-shirts and jammed them next to the underwear.

"Oh, yeah. I made it clear he wasn't keeping me out of this operation."

I smiled. "Good." Some of the worry lifted from my chest. Things would be all right.

"Better pack a little warm," she said. Bogota isn't hot like the south part of the country."

"I don't need sweaters. I'll just cuddle with my smoochie-poo," I said dropping my clothes and taking her in my arms. "How's that, honey boo bear chocolate pie?"

"Sweet Jesus almighty," Shelton said from the doorway, his mouth screwed up in disgust.

My face went red hot. "Uh—"

Elyssa burst into laughter.

Shelton waved off my reply. "Look, I ain't about to let an apprentice of mine go wandering off into vampire central without some backup. Me and Bella are coming along."

The embarrassment melted away, replaced by gratitude. I grinned. "Thanks, Shelton."

"Yeah, don't get all mushy on me, kiddo. I just don't want you to be an embarrassment to me by getting your ass kicked." He shook his head and left, muttering.

"Honey boo bear chocolate pie?" Elyssa said with a snort. "I'll need to do some research if I'm ever going to top that one."

I chuckled. "Oh, my head is full of romantic nicknames."

"I think you need to look up the definition of romantic."

My duffel bag bulged with clothes and other supplies. I'd even remembered to pack a toothbrush. As I contemplated the impending journey and hopeful rescue, I thought of Felicia and wondered if we could extract her while we were in there. It made me think of her brother, Adam Nosti. Had she told him anything? Did he even know where she was?

I pulled out my new phone. "Nookli, call Meghan Andretti."

"Do you want me to search the web for Magic Fishnets?" my phone replied.

"What? No, Meghan Andretti," I said carefully enunciating her name.

Meghan sounded surprised but happy to hear from me. No doubt she was hoping and praying I wasn't about to drag her into yet another mission where mutilation by an enraged demon was a likely possibility.

"Is Adam around?" I asked.

"Sure, he's in his study," she replied, in the voice of someone only just growing used to the quirks of dating someone with an obsession. For Adam, it was finding out who murdered his parents years ago and left him and Felicia orphaned. His obsession had driven Felicia to drugs and

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