Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,116

out in a hoarse voice. "Don't suck my blood, please!" Tears poured down his face as he fell at my girlfriend's feet. "I swear to god I'll never tell anyone about this. I swear!" He grabbed my foot. "Justin, we're friends, right? You gotta help me, man. Please!"

My stomach rumbled. I felt like I was going to be sick. I backed away. "Ash, Nyte, I—I can't believe you would do this."

"Nathan and his goons are nothing but animals," Ash said. "They took our dignity and dragged it through the mud. Nathan even tried to rape Katie and if you hadn't been there to save her, he probably would've gotten away with it."

"I know, I know." I bit the inside of my lip and stared.

Katie's face went white. She looked away from Nathan as a tear trailed down her face. Ash looked stricken. He took a step toward her, but she backed away, throwing her hands up in the air, palms out. "Don't touch me!" She took in a long shuddering breath. "Being a bully like Nathan would destroy anything attractive I ever saw in you. Don't you get that?"

"It's too late to send them back, and pretend nothing ever happened," Elyssa said, face blank.

"Oh, god, no!" Nathan cried, gripping me by the feet and holding on for dear life. "Don't kill us, please! I'll do anything you want. Anything." He looked at Katie. "I'm sorry. I was so stupid. Please, Katie, don't let them kill me."

Katie didn't meet his eyes.

"We're not going to kill you," Elyssa said with a sigh. "I think we'll have to send them through the Overworld orientation program."

I pried Nathan's meaty hands off my legs. "Stay there, and don't move an inch. You saw how fast my friends are, so don't even think about running. Your life is in my hands."

He looked so pathetically happy through the tears and snot bubbling out of his nose, I almost laughed. I motioned the others to another corner of the room.

I shook my head sadly, looking from Nyte to Ash. "We need to have a serious conversation. But not now."

Katie didn't say a word, though the shock and anger was plain in her eyes.

"I am so disappointed in you two," Elyssa said. "Kidnapping and assault? Really?"

I touched her arm. "We'll get to that later. As for what to do about those bozos, I think I have a better idea than sending them in for Overworld orientation."

Elyssa crossed her arms and glared at me. "And what would that be?"

"Look at the bright side—Nathan and his buddies are about to crap themselves."

Nyte sniffed the air. "Actually, I think one of them already did."

I gagged and jabbed a finger at him. "Not another word until I'm done."

He nodded solemnly. Ash, for his part, looked as ashamed as a dog who'd been caught eating the kitty treats, and kept sneaking furtive glances at Katie.

I continued. "Let's use their fear to our advantage. Heaven knows they've kept the nerd population in a state of constant panic and turmoil with their bullying."

"You want to let them go back to school, knowing what they know, and hope they'll be too frightened to say anything?" Elyssa said, skepticism plain in her voice.

"More than that." I grinned.

By the time I explained myself, even Elyssa and Katie couldn't help but smile.

We approached the victims, unbound the three of them, and lined them up. Aside from scrapes and bruises, none of the captives seemed to have broken bones. Nyte, Ash, and Elyssa gave them slow grins, extending their fangs. Ruby red irises glittered from Ash and Nyte's eyes. Elyssa's glowed violet. I still hadn't figured out how to make my eyes glow on command, but figured it wasn't necessary.

Nathan gulped. Steve whimpered. Adam shrank against the wall.

Nathan opened his mouth to speak.

I put a finger to my lips. "No talking. I want you to listen very closely."

They nodded.

"There are horrors in this world you have no clue about. Nightmares that will eat you alive and spit out your bones." I leaned in closer. "No mortal should know about our existence, but as you can see, it's too late for that." I paced in front of them. Paused and gave them a sideways glance. "There are those among us who'd like to suck you dry and throw your bodies in a ditch."

Adam's teeth chattered. All three football players shrank together against the wall.

I offered them a condescending smile. "Cooler heads have prevailed, however."

"I still think this is a horrible mistake," Elyssa

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