The Dragon's Fate - Roxie Ray Page 0,14

and he strode forward. “I’ve missed you so much, puppy,” Damon said.

I moved again, fully in front of Hayden.

He shot me a glare when I blocked her. “Aren’t you going to come to hug your daddy?” he asked. Hayden peeked out from around me. Damon stopped in the parking lot and waited. “Hayden? Don’t you want to say hi to your father?”

She shook her head and ducked behind me again, shy. She knew how horrible he was. She didn’t really remember, but the sort of abuse she’d seen me suffer at his hands didn’t just go away in the psyche.

His face hardened. Damn it.

“What have you told her?” he said in a low voice. He was pissed. “This is your fault. You turned her against me.” He stepped to the side, trying to catch sight of Hayden again, and his voice came out sugary sweet. “I’ve missed you, puppy. I came so far to see you.”

Hayden stayed behind me.

“Should I call the cops?” Lisa asked. She spoke in a low tone. I didn’t even glance her way. I just nodded.

Damon moved toward us again.

“Please take Hayden back inside,” I said under my breath.

Lisa didn’t hesitate. She grabbed Hayden’s hand, but Hayden jerked it away. “No!” she shouted. “I’m staying with my mommy!”

“Do as you’re told, Hayden,” I said sharply. “Now!”

Hayden gave me big, hurt eyes. I loathed Damon all the more because I’d had to speak sharply with her. I didn’t have time to explain to her why it was better she be out of sight.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Damon went off. “You stupid bitch!” He got much closer, but I didn’t go back toward the building. I went sideways. I wanted him as far away from Hayden as possible. “You’re such a dumb slut,” he seethed. “You turned my daughter against me. Everything that ever went wrong between us has been due to you. I can’t wait to see you get yours.” His hands were clenched in fists, and I knew the pain of having those fists come at me. I kept moving, relieved when he stalked after me, farther into the parking lot and away from our daughter.

“You are violating your restraining order,” I said. I didn’t engage with the names he’d called me. I’d learned it was better if I didn’t. Arguing with him further enraged him and then he took it out on me.

He laughed and kept stalking after me. “A piece of paper can’t keep me from my family. You think you’ll ever escape me? I was an idiot when I signed the divorce papers. I’m going to have you and our daughter back, Briana. I have friends in high places. How do you think I found you? Your family has all of their social media locked up tight.”

My butt backed against a car. I didn’t know whose it was, but it meant I was fully in the parking lot and away from the building. I prayed Lisa had called the cops.

My stomach rolled with anxiety. I was trapped, physically by Damon and in theory. No matter where I tried to run, he’d find me.

My gaze darted around, and I realized people were watching in the parking lot. A few of them were talking on the phone. Surely the police were on their way.

“I’m going to hurt you again if you don’t stop your games and come home.” He moved closer and I jumped, terrified he’d hit me in front of all these people. I couldn’t put anything past him anymore. Sliding backward with my butt against the car, I put more space between us.

“Are you going to make me hurt you, Briana?” Damon asked as he closed the distance.

A warmth washed over me like a fan heater turned on that enveloped my entire body. Damon lunged at me, and then, miraculously, someone was in front of me, blocking Damon. How had this person moved so fast? One moment I was about to be choked, and the next, I was safe, just like that.

Heat continued to radiate from the body, and I peered around to see who it was, then Jace spoke. “Can you not comprehend what it means to back off?”

If I’d thought Damon was pissed before, Jace was completely furious.

“Who the fuck are you?” Damon yelled.

“I’m the man standing between you and who you think you have a right to.” Jace clenched his fists and glared at Damon, angry energy rolling off of him like heat waves.

Damon’s face went Copyright 2016 - 2024