Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,8

growl reached out and all but slapped Gayle, like a physical object in its ferocity.

“Relax Kal,” the bartender said, stepping to the side so she could still make eye contact. “Yes, I’m sorry, he is not welcome here now or ever. You’ll have to go somewhere else if he’s with you.”

Gayle stepped fully inside, letting the door close behind her. “He absolutely is not,” she said in relief. “I’m staying here then. Uh, if that’s okay?”

The bartender tilted her head sideways before understanding flooded her. “Come on in,” she said, beckoning to the bar itself. “It’ll be okay. Kal’s just a bit overprotective.”

Gayle smiled tightly and wandered up to the bar, her eyes only once flickering over to the booth where the jade-eyed hunk sat. He was staring straight ahead now, a troubled look on his face while some of his comrades leaned forward to speak to him, their mouths turned up with smiles.

Who is he? she wondered to herself. Why was he staring at me like that? Why couldn’t I look away? Do I know him? I feel like I would remember someone who looked like…that.

“Thank you,” Gayle said as she slid into a stool.

“Don’t mention it,” the bartender said, flicking her long raven-hair behind her shoulder. “I’m Anne, by the way.”


Anne looked at her. “Are you okay Gayle?” she asked quietly in a concerned tone. “Do you need us to call the police?”

Gayle’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

Anne bit her lip, hesitating, but at gentle nod from Kal she proceeded softly. “Is Mikey… Is he hurting you?”

“Hurting—Oh,” she said, realizing what they must think. “No, no, he’s never raised anything but his voice. Never his hands. He’s a dick but not an abuser. Thank you though, but that’s not why I need to get away from him.”

Both Anne and Kal visibly relaxed.

“So, why do you need to get away from him?” Anne asked. “It’s not often people want to come somewhere that a person they know is unwelcome.”

Gayle looked down at the squeaky-clean bar top. “Honestly, it’s kind of complicated. I need a drink first, I think. At least one. Something smooth but strong.”

Anne smiled. “I can manage that.” She turned to grab a glass and started mixing something colorful and strong, judging by the amount of liquor Gayle saw splashing into it.

While she waited, Gayle looked around again, taking in the interior of the bar. “I like what you’ve done with the place,” she remarked.

She was sure that Anne must have said something in reply, probably a thanks or something similar, but if she did, Gayle never heard a sound of it. Her eyes had once more locked upon the man in the booth. He was staring at her again, and she felt her heart begin to pound harder with every beat. She couldn’t look away.

His face was practically immobile, frozen as he stared at her, his eyes wide and oval, set in a gorgeous model-esque face that had angles sharp enough she was sure they must be carved from stone.

There was a mystery in him, she decided. Something hidden within those vibrant green eyes. That must be what held her attention so easily. The hidden truth in its depths.

Anne plunked her drink down with some force, jerking Gayle out of the staring contest. She rapidly spun away, hunched over the drink, and took a deep sip through the provided straw.

“Oh my,” she said, coughing at the strength of it. “That is strong.”

Focus on the drink, she urged herself. Not some man you’ve never met. The absolute last thing you need right now is drama with a new man. Mind your own business, girl.

She stiffened at the sound of hushed voices and the rustling of sound from the booth. Someone was getting up.

Oh god, please be someone else. Please don’t be him. Please don’t be coming over here.

Footsteps sounded on the floor as they approached her.

Chapter Six


“Aren’t you going to go talk to her?” Jacen said, needling as he slid back into his seat.

Rann glared at him then twisted his head slightly to look at her again, watching Trent walk past her and into the back, headed for the washrooms. He wanted to go over there and strike up a conversation. He couldn’t deny it.

“You’re usually all over something like that,” Trent teased. “Are you finally taking my words to heart and waiting for your mate instead, is that it?”

Jacen snorted. “I think he’s just nervous guys. Cat’s got his tongue this time around, and he’s not ready

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