Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,74

grocery store, reusable bags in hand, and dumped them in a cart.

“Gayle? Gayle is that you?”

Did I conjure her up by thinking of her or something?

Plastering a fake smile to her face, Gayle turned. “Hello, Karen.”

The other woman faltered at the cool tone.

“I thought that was you,” she said. “How have you been? I haven’t seen you since the wedding…”

Gayle smiled. “I’m wonderful Karen, thank you. How are you two doing?”

Someone else wandered into her field of view, and Gayle tilted her head in greeting at Mikey. His jaw was swollen still, and she wondered just how badly it had been broken.

“‘I,” he said, unable to pronounce the ‘h’, making it more like a grunt than anything.

“We’re good,” Karen said. “We’re really good.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Gayle said.

“You never called. I wasn’t sure how you were,” Karen said. “I tried calling everyone after to make sure they were okay, but you didn’t pick up or call me back.”

Gayle’s face softened. “That’s because we’re not friends anymore, Karen. I wish you the best with your life with Mikey, but I’ve found what I need with my real friends and people who truly care about me.”

Karen gasped.

“They treat me well and don’t sleep around behind my back,” Gayle said, still smiling. “I truly wish you happiness with him. I harbor no ill will, because despite the absolutely staggering level of terribleness of what you did, you led me to a much better place. But I want nothing to do with you anymore. Goodbye Karen. Goodbye Michael.”

She grabbed her cart and pushed her way into the store, leaving the pair staring at her slack-jawed behind her.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” she heard Karen hiss.

“‘ateva,” Mikey said dismissively.

Karen said some more, but Gayle tuned it out. She’d heard that bickering before. She knew it wasn’t healthy, and she was so glad to be out of the friendship and relationship that had brought it into her life.

Those two were perfect for one another, and she was glad to wash her hands of them.

Best of luck, she thought, and then started whistling to herself.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The sudden eruption of stomping feet and shrieks from the living room propelled Rann out of bed.

He was into the living room, flames bursting from his fists, before his brain clued in that the noises he was hearing were happy shouts.

Gayle paused, her fists in the air, as she stared at him. Her eyes locked on his then very slowly dragged down his body and back up.

“Well, this day just keeps getting better and better,” she said, her mouth curving up in a wicked smile as she took in his nakedness.

“Everything is okay then, I take it?” he rumbled, ignoring her crude look and remark.

“Yes, yes, everything is fine,” Gayle said with a laugh. “It’s better than fine, actually.”

“Is that another jab at the fact I’m naked?” he said.

“And have morning wood,” she added, bouncing her eyebrows.

“You are in a good mood,” he said, feeling his own emotions rise to match hers, burning away the last of the sleep fog.

“Of course I am! I just got the job.”

Rann stared at her blankly. Maybe the fog wasn’t quite gone yet.

“Huh?” he said eventually. “I don’t get it.”

Gayle sighed, shaking her head. “The job with Balance the Scales. I get to work there on the regular now. Every day.”

Rann dropped his fists and beamed at his mate. “That’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you my darling. So very proud.”

He hurried over to her and lifted her high into the air in a hug, spinning in slow circles. “Oh, I’m so proud.”

“Thank you,” she said from where her face was buried in the crook of his neck. “I’m so excited.”

“You deserve it,” he said, squeezing her tight. “You’ll be the perfect fit there. They could use someone as giving and generous as you, not to mention having a full set of brains as well.”

“Flatterer,” she giggled, but her arms tightened a little further around him. “Thank you for being my biggest supporter.”

“Is that a penis joke?” he teased.

Gayle laughed. “You know what I meant,” she protested, gently slapping him on the back.

“I don’t get it,” he fake complained. “Thirty seconds ago, you were looking me up and down like I was good for nothing else. Now I’m just what? A hug-support-stand?”

Gayle laughed. He basked in the sound. It was something he could never hear too much of. Ever. He wanted to hear it every day. All the time, even if he knew it wasn’t

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