Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,6

that was enough. Kladd may be their leader, but they were a team, and Rann wanted them to know that he was just as pissed as they were.

“Given that we saw no signs of suspicious activity anywhere in the building or near it, I think it’s safe to say that we were set up. This wasn’t an emergency torching of their base once we discovered it. They wanted us in that building to try and take us out.”

Kladd’s eyes narrowed. He’d been thinking the same thing. “A few seconds later and they might have seriously hurt us.”

Hurt. Not killed.

Rann glanced at the team leader. “You think it was a warning, not an attempt to kill us.”

“That explosion wouldn’t have killed any dragon shifter. You know that. Hurt, sure. We all could have been in some serious pain if we hadn’t been on our way out of there by the time it went up. But kill us? No chance. So yes, I think it was a warning.”

“For what?”

“If I had to make a guess?” Kladd said, spinning his beer mug idly. “I’d say to let us know that they’ve penetrated our security to a degree. They know we have contacts in Five Peaks, people who work with us on the ground, and they’re showing that they can turn those people to their side. Maybe they’re trying to show us that they can turn everyone against us. I don’t know.”

Rann grimaced. “That would be bad. The Church crazies are bad enough.”

Everyone at the table growled their agreement. The Church of the Anti-Wyrm had arisen among those who had come to Five Peaks after the dragons were revealed. Unlike most, however, they were not supporters. In fact, they were the staunchest anti-dragon advocates yet to come forward. They claimed that the shifters were spiky-horned demons sent forth by the ultimate lord Satan to cleanse the earth of the loyal.

It was ridiculous, but their numbers continued to swell. Cults were like that sometimes.

“Still no sign of their former preacher, is there?” Trent asked tightly.

Rann knew that Trent and the preacher had a bit of a history, the former head of the Church having tried to kidnap his now-mate to turn her against him. Beside Trent, Pietro bared his teeth in a silent snarl, his eyes gleaming with fury.

Whereas the preacher had rather bungled his attempts with Trent’s mate, he’d nearly succeeded with Claire, Pietro’s mate. That was because he’d had the help of the vampires that had come through the Gate. The same vampires that Rann and his team were trying to track down.

The entire team was more than looking forward to paying the preacher back for his troubles. They usually had a rule about not killing humans, but Rann suspected that rule would be ignored once they finally caught up with him.

Nobody messes with one of us alone. We’re a team.

“No,” Kladd said. “And as much as I want to get him as well, we need to focus our efforts on the vampires. Before they get stronger. Too strong.”

“Vampire king,” Rann said quietly. “That’s what you’re worried about. A king emerging.”

Ever since the Gate to the Otherworld had been breached and the Vampire Hunters—an elite breed of vampires—had come through, the dragon clans had been researching everything they had on vampire lore.

There wasn’t much, but there had been one mention of a vampire king, and Rann knew they all wanted to avoid that. If a king rose up to command a coven, the world would be bathed in darkness like it had never known before.

“That would be bad,” Kladd agreed. “Which is why we’re going to stop them before they get there. Got it?”

There were nods of support around the table. The sound of rumbled agreement echoed around the pub. Rann glanced around. It was emptier than normal for a Friday night.

With the danger of the vampires still strong, many of the dragons were moving themselves and their mates back up into the mountains to the clan strongholds where the vampires couldn’t get them. It left their usual hangouts, like the Dragon’s Eye, looking particularly unpopulated.

“Slim pickings for you tonight,” Pietro joked, reaching over to punch Rann on the shoulder.

Rann rolled his eyes as those gathered at the table chuckled with laughter, everyone seemingly glad for the reprieve. “You know, I’m not always on the lookout for someone new. Sometimes I’m just looking around.”

“Uh-huh,” Trent said, grinning at him. “Somehow I don’t believe that. You’re always looking for someone new.”

Everyone laughed, the sound

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