Dragonhammer - Conner McCall Page 0,60

the mountain tunnel again and reunite with my friends and brothers.

“I believe we’ve won,” I say.

Jarl Hralfar stands on top of the wall, commanding all of Tygnar’s men to drop their weapons. If they do, they are promised their life. All oblige. The trolls, being morons by nature, take a little more persuasion. They too, however, eventually drop their weapons.

The prisoners are compelled to help clean up the mess. Most of the bodies are simply dumped off the bridge and into the river far below.

I stand next to the Jarl on the wall. “You did this?” he says, referring to the lifeless body of Tyrannus on the ground. By this time the sun is rising and the carnage is easier to observe.

“Yes,” I respond.

“Once again you stun me, Kadmus. He was a mighty warrior. What became of Commander Magnus?”

“He wounded her and she went unconscious. I told a few men to get her to safety, but I don’t know where they took her.”

“You know what you are?” asks the Jarl.

I shrug. “A warrior?”

“A captain,” the Jarl smiles.

“I can’t,” I say. “I haven’t sworn the oath yet.”

The Jarl nods. “True. Today you will probably want some good food and rest, am I correct?”

“Of course.”

“Then let us plan on tomorrow. Come into the Keep tomorrow and you can take the oath then. Then we will have a feast! The city is ours again!” He claps me on the back.

“Why couldn’t you get through the gate?” I ask. “I know you brought catapults.”

“They built ballistae on the tops of the Clifftowers,” he responds. “Their bolts broke our catapults in only a few shots.”

“Oh,” I reply lamely.

“Well, I must go check on Commander Magnus. I will plan on seeing you tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.”

Then he leaves.

Mother! I think. Gunther and Nathaniel are next to me and I’m sure are thinking the same thing. We look forward to and dread what this meeting will bring.

We drag our feet as we walk towards Gunther’s house, which lies towards the outer northern edge of the city. Though we are excited to see Mother, we are not happy to be the envoy of heartrending news.

Finally we stand at the door. Gunther, because it is his house, simply opens the door and we file in somberly.

Mother, once she realizes who it is, beams at each of us and runs to us, hugging each of us multiple times, saying things like, “Oh, my boys! I thought I’d never see you again! I was sure you’d gone and died in battle! Oh, but you’re here and alive! Oh, my boys!” Ethan and Nicholas are almost equally as excited to see us.

Then mother steps back. Her face grows concerned. “Where’s your father?” she asks.

None of us answer. She asks again, “Where is your father?” Gunther steps forward and rests his hand on her shoulder. He has tears in his eyes.

“Daddy?” says Nicholas, looking around confusedly.

“He did not come back,” Gunther whispers to Mother.

She stares at Gunther in shock. Then she looks to me and Nathaniel as if one of us is going to shout “gotcha,” and Father will run in the door. I look at the floor.

“No,” Mother whispers. “No.” She turns her gaze back to Gunther, who simply nods. Then she begins to cry.

Gunther holds our mother tightly. At first only a few tears fall, but as they come they exponentially multiply until she is sobbing uncontrollably. “My Kadmus…” she says. “My Kadmus…”

Ethan realizes what is happening but Nicholas looks around, puzzled. “Why are you crying?” Nicholas asks Ethan.

“Oh…” Mother says, bending down and holding her smallest son.

“What does Gunther mean daddy won’t be coming back?” he says over Mother’s shoulder. His little innocent voice pierces knives into my heart.

She comes away from him, but holds him by the shoulders. “Father’s gone away for a while,” she says, lacking the heart to tell him otherwise.

“When will he be back?”

She begins sobbing again and holds Nicholas tightly. “It’s okay,” he says. “We’ll see him when he comes back.” Mother only cries harder.

We give her a few minutes before saying anything. Mother breaks the not-so-silent silence by asking quietly, “How did he go?”

I glance at Nicholas and say, “It was peaceful.”

She almost begins crying again but takes hold of herself and forces herself to stop. “Nicholas?” she asks, crouching down to his level. “Can you do me a favor? Are you big and strong enough to do it?”

Nicholas nods and flexes his little muscles.

Mother laughs softly with tears dripping from her eyes. “Can you run

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