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to blink at him. His warm, amiable smile worked to settle her nerves somewhat. "My gran roasted them herself."

She muttered her thanks and accepted a handful. The cashews gave her a reason to occupy her hands.

Thankfully, everyone else was too absorbed in the match to notice that Hermione spent a third of the game with her eyes tightly screwed shut.


Professor McGonagall felt only a little guilt at relinquishing co-commentating duties to Blaise Zabini that afternoon. The crowd enjoyed Luna Lovegood's commentary, but it was also necessary to appoint an additional person to assist her when she got overly excited.

Usually, it was McGonagall who provided a discreet nudge in the ribs to get the girl back on track, but given that it was a friendly match - though try telling that to the players - she had set aside that role for Zabini, who was as Quidditch keen as any player.

It was a pity that the Headmaster was back in London on Ministry business. He would have liked to have been there for the game. At the moment, McGonagall noted that the usually calm Head Boy looked about two seconds from strangling Miss Lovegood.

"Another goal by Ginny Weasley! Got it pass the rather big fellow with thinning hair and the tree-trunk thighs. That's now sixty point to Hogwarts. I must say, Ronald Weasley's doing a marvellous job in the face of all this pressure and excitement. Not at all nervous or nauseas or green in the face. Oooh! Clever little spinny type move by Hogwarts' own Sharon Pustly there! She does that very well, doesn't she?"

"Pucey," Blaise corrected, with infinite patience. "Sharon Pucey. That's the Ugandan Spinning Hurl."

"Ewe-Gander Spinning Hurl, ladies and gentlemen, I've been informed by my very knowledgeable co-commentator, Mr. Zabini, who is looking rather dashing in his black rain coat with Slytherin crest that matches his hair and eyes."

Over at the Hufflepuff stands, which were nearest, several older boys began cat-calling at the commentator's box. Blaise did his best impression of a glacier and sent them all death glares.

"Still no sign of the Snitch, however. Both Malfoy and Tanner are keeping a sharp eye out. I expect it will be making an appearance soon. Oh look! Neville Longbottom's waving at me. And he's got some lovely cashews. I tried one just before the game and they're positively to die for. THANKS FOR THE NUTS, NEVILLE!" Luna waved back.

There were sniggers from the crowd. Hermione patted Neville consolingly on the hand as he clutched his bag of cashews and tried to disappear into his seat.

Meanwhile, a goal attempt was made by the Aurors, with Ron nearly falling off his broom in his bid to catch the shot.

Blaise was gritting his teeth. "Lovegood, I swear-"

Luna resumed her duties. "Weasley saved it!"

"HE DID NOT!" Blaise interjected, looking enraged. "Will you pay attention!"

A brief scuffle ensued in the commentator's box, which had to be broken up by a very annoyed looking Professor McGonagall.

Chapter Nineteen

Draco had to hand it to his players. They were playing remarkably well, given that this was their first time doing so, as a team.

Ginny and Sharon were aiming for a seventh goal for the Hogwarts' side and were tossing the Quaffle back and forth with impressive frenzy. Draco hovered by the Gryffindor rings long enough to speak to Ron, who had just been smacked in the leg by a Bludger.

"This Snitch better show itself soon," Ron grumbled, massaging his calf. "I think Bligh is trying to kill me."

"Comes with the territory of Beater, Weasley. You have met Crabbe and Goyle, haven't you?" Draco asked dryly, he sucked in a breath though his teeth when Astrid Huggins nearly intercepted a daring, long distance throw from Sharon to Ginny.

"Yeah, but with those two, I get the feeling it's a general dislike of all Gyffindors. I think Bligh's mission is personal."

Draco turned to looked at Ron this time, a sardonic smile on his face. "Quidditch is always personal."

Ron waved a hand dismissively. "Just get the Snitch quickly, will you? I don't how much longer I can keep this up. A Keeper should only have to look out for Quaffles, not ruddy, homicidal Bludgers. By the way, that other Seeker, Tanner? Keep feinting and I'll wager he'll keep following. He's not the most hard-working Seeker around, if you've noticed," Ron advised.

Draco had noticed. Seekers and Keepers had the good fortune of time and distance to pick up on these sorts of things. Tanner seemed intent on shadowing Draco as he hung Copyright 2016 - 2024