The Dragon s bride Page 0,48

the people below, not to mention the fierce weather outside. The rain was coming down hard and heavy now, sounding like a thousand house-elves tap dancing on the rafters. People were shouting to be heard, Heads of Houses most of all.

With the exception of Professor Snape, who had not yet arrived, the other three Heads were busy checking students off their lists, making sure that no one had been left stranded in a bathroom or in detention.

Blaise Zabini took over the task for Slytherin, looking slightly harried as he bellowed out the names of his house mates. Minutes later, Snape all but flew into the Great Hall, black robes whipping behind him, scowl more pronounced than ever. His dark eyes searched and quickly located Draco's blond head in the crowd of students. From across the Hall, Harry watched as the Head of Slytherin cocked his head slightly; an almost imperceptible motion which appeared to have nonetheless captured Draco's attention. Draco shrugged off Pansy Parkinson's insistent queries and went directly to the Professor.

"What do you suppose will happen to Malfoy?" Ron whispered to Harry. Professor McGonagall had just checked both their names off her list and was calling out for "Xavier, Catherine!"

"If Lucius has found some way to free himself from house arrest, I'm guessing the Ministry will assume Draco knows something about it." Harry hazarded, somewhat surprised at how steady his voice sounded. His palms were still cold and clammy. It wasn't everyday that one witnessed the Dark Mark in such close proximity to one's self. Twice in three years was more than enough, thank you very much.

Ron was squinting at Malfoy. "He looks like he' s swallowed a pint of castor oil."

"How can you tell?" Seamus asked, also looking in Malfoy' s direction. "He' s always that pale."

"Yeah, good point"

Hermione was pushing her way through a group of first year Ravenclaws who were clutching tightly at each other as they struggled to listen to what Professor Flitwick was telling them. Lupin followed closely behind her.

"Ron," she motioned to him, "Dumbledore and your dad want to see us!" She was nearly shouting to be heard, such was the din in the Great Hall.

"My dad's here already?" Ron asked in surprise.

Harry dumped his school things into Seamus' s arms. "Good. I' m coming too."

"You're staying put," Lupin intervened. He looked in no mood for argument. "You two, head up to Dumbledore's office," he told Ron and Hermione. "Wait there until you're called. I have to inform Professor Snape that Millicent Bullstrode will be required as well."

"If Dumbledore wants witnesses, I saw the Mark, I should go too," Harry insisted.

"You are to remain here. This doesn't concern you yet, Harry."

This was apparently the wrong thing to say, given that Harry went from being concerned to downright angry. He took immediate exception to Lupin's words.

"Of course it concerns me! Anything to do with Voldemort concerns me by default, or haven't you realized? I had enough of this in fifth year. Why are you even here? Why are any of us here if not to help fight against Voldemort?"

"I' m here to look after you, Harry," Lupin' s topaz-coloured eyes flickered over the group. "All of you."

Harry countered this with a hard expression. Hermione noted, with resignation, that it was a look which he was using with disturbing frequency that year. "Yeah? Look after me? Are you sure about that? Even Snape's been more of a help to me since what happened at the end of fifth year. Everyone knows you only agreed to teach this year because nobody would touch the position and you can't get a job anywhere else!"

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, stunned at his rudeness. Beside her, Ron was gaping. Snape and McGonagall had both paused in their conversation and were now looking in the direction of the argument. It belatedly occurred to Harry that the noise in the Hall had diminished to a few stunted coughs. The wild weather outside seemed to be on hold.

Everyone was staring at Harry and Lupin.

"This is neither the time nor the place," Hermione hissed at Harry. "Come on Ron, we'd better get going."

Lupin nodded, as if the comment was meant for him too. His expression was pained as he next spoke. "We' ll speak about this later. You will stay in the Great Hall or it will be thirty points from Gryffindor. I'm not playing, Harry." It was the coldest command any of them had ever heard him issue.

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