The Dragon s bride Page 0,221

out of it yet," said Zacharias, with a bit of a questioning tone.

Moody grunted. "Leave her be until we get a bit more information. We have no idea where Malfoy' s been. For all we know, this could be some sort of elaborate plan to infiltrate the Ministry."

Harry shook his head. "I doubt it. Capturing Bellatrix was a personal mission for him."

"One hell of a personal mission, don't you think? He spent four years on it."

"Five," Harry corrected. He was thinking of Hermione again.

Moody was growling. "I'm not liking your look boy."

"What look?" Harry asked.

"You're looking hopeful," Moody accused.

"Hardly! We were never friends. If Malfoy ever really had my trust, he's bloody well lost it."

"Good. The boy disappeared, Potter. Remember that. People who make themselves disappear have something to hide."

Or rather, something to hide from, thought Harry.

"Is there anyone else you'd like me to notify?" Zacharias asked.

Moody barked off a list of names, including Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin and Tonks. Two newly arrived Aurors approached along the corridor and stopped beside Moody for a briefing. Harry waited until Moody turned back to speak to him.

"Right, so you're handling Malfoy's interrogation. He's asked to see you in person so I'm guessing he's wanting to give you the exclusive on his story. Keep in mind he's a suspect and will be detained until the story checks out, understood?"


"Don't let your guard down. I know he's a pretty son of a bitch."

Harry gave the old, ex-Auror a bland look. "Oh, piss off!"

Moody chuckled. However it had come about, they now had Bellatrix Lestrange in custody. It was an historic day and Moody's cautious enthusiasm could not be disguised. This was a very big deal.

"Now if you don' t mind, I' m going to have a gander at Lestrange. For these old eyes, seeing is still believing," said Moody. His magical eye did a bit of an excited jig.

Harry turned to Zacharias after Moody had hobbled off. "Zach, since we're in lockdown at the moment, can you do me a favour? Can you gather everyone who knows and tell them not to let this leave the Ministry for the time being?"

"Harry, we'd be hard pressed keeping a lid on this!"

"Try," Harry snapped.

As a disgruntled Zacharias left to do his bidding, Harry returned to his office with his small stash of food. Draco was now seated in Harry's old armchair with his legs crossed. His hair was so long, it hung a third of the way down the back of the chair.

Harry shut the door behind him, locked it and then handed Draco the food and drink.

"Thank you," Draco said and immediately started on the cauldron cakes.

The simple and sincere thank you startled Harry. There were no insinuations or layers in the phrase.

Harry waited a minute or so before speaking. "So you think you can waltz back in here with Bellatrix Lestrange in tow and all would be forgiven?"

Draco looked up. He used the back of his hand to wipe crumbs from the corner of his mouth. There seemed to be more sand than crumbs at any rate. "Yes, Potter. I thought it a reasonable assumption," he said, after he had swallowed his mouthful of cake.

"Why did you bring her in?"

"Why?" Draco repeated, his eyes flashing old malice. "I should think it obvious. My bitch aunt plotted the death of my mother and very nearly succeeded in causing my own demise. Among many other dastardly things."

Whatever he had been through, there was still enough of the same cocky, arrogant git under all that grit and grime to reassure Harry that in many ways, they were still on familiar ground.

Harry wanted to make him say it, though. He would hear it from Malfoy's own mouth before he decided whether or not he was going to let the bastard anywhere near Hermione again.

"Fine. Besides avenging the death of your mother, why else are you here?"

"Did you get my postcards?" Draco asked politely, as if it was only a holiday he' d been on. He had started on the pasty now. It definitely looked stale, but the expression of contentment on Malfoy's face said it was at least edible.

Harry was incredulous. "Oh yes. We received yourwhat was it? Three postcards in that first year you took off. And then nothing after. Like I said, we thought you fell off the edge of the world."

Draco stopped eating. "I' ve seen the edge of the world," he said, very quietly. The tone of his voice made the hairs on Copyright 2016 - 2024