The Dragon s bride Page 0,217

other individuals captured two nights ago."

"Two nights!" Draco sputtered. "I've been asleep for that long?"

"Technically you awakened yesterday evening when the medical staff repositioned your shoulder, but considering the amount of sleeping draught they administered, you likely do not remember?"

The old man was right. Draco didn't remember. His shoulder felt excellent though. Whatever they had done to it was worth the lapsed memory.

Despite his general cheerfulness, there was something in Dumbledore' s manner that said perhaps not everything had gone a hundred percent to his satisfaction.

"And did everyone else make it back safely?" Draco inquired carefully.

"Miss Parkinson and her parents are still being interviewed by the DMLA. Misters Potter and Weasley are under the formidable charge of an irate Molly Weasley. Nymphadora Tonks was kept overnight for observation and released early yesterday. As for Alastor Moody's team, scratches, bruises and I believe one young Auror is nursing a sore head, but all are otherwise and thankfully fine."

There was one person missing from the run down. Even if that person hadn't gone on the rescue mission.

"What about Professor Snape?"

"Azkaban," Dumbledore said, without anger, just a lot of grim resignation.

Silver eyes snapped up to meet blue. "What! Why?"

"Because he freed your father, Draco. The Ministry is not exactly in a forgiving norflexible mood given current events."

"He did it to save me! And Hermione! Not to mention Tonks. None of us would have come out of there alive if it hadn't been for my father!"

Draco's outburst caused the snoring man in the opposite bed to startle and snort briefly. Both Dumbledore and Draco watched distractedly as the man hiked his blanket further up his body, grumbled and then rolled over.

Dumbledore was quieter when he replied. "I do not entirely disagree with the means. Severus did what he felt he had to, given the circumstances. The gamble paid off, but not for him, unfortunately. Lucius Malfoy was not Professor Snape's last resort to utilise as he saw fit. Despite my insistence, the Ministry will not be swayed."

"I thought that was what us Malfoys are to you lately, tools or weapons," Draco said bitterly.

Dumbledore seemed startled by this new animosity. "Do you really consider yourself my tool, Draco?"

Draco's eyes narrowed. "A spy is a tool, isn't he?" Draco felt petulant. He hated feeling petulant. He knew the spying assignment hadn't been Dumbledore's idea.

But as usual, Dumbledore was quick to catch on to the new tangent, even if Draco wasn't aware he was on one.

"Powerful motivator though, isn't it?" the Headmaster asked, with the air of someone trying to prod someone else into an epiphany.

"What is?" Draco whispered. He wanted to be alone now. He wanted Dumbledore to go away so he could make an attempt to leave the room on shaky legs and sneak one last look at...

"Love," announced Dumbledore.

Draco supposed it was reassuring to know he still had enough blood left in him to blush. "You know about Fida Mia, then?"

"Oh yes. Professor Snape was very forthcoming when it became clear Miss Granger was in great danger. Mister Potter as well."

Love was a motivator alright, for mental blockages. It was responsible for all the idiocy in the world. Goyle running of to join the Death Eaters. Pansy being a twit about well, everything. Him nearly killing the one person that recommended him to living. Blaise being a complete psycho...

"The portkey that Blaise used. Where does it take you?" Draco asked.

"The Great Lake," Dumbledore replied.

"Blaise sent us back to Hogwarts?" Draco asked, wide-eyed.

"Mr. Zabini wouldn't have known where the portal would take you. I suspect it is Voldemort's ironic little secret to have his execution mechanism so close to Hogwarts. As you know, portkeys may only operate within a certain distance and there are not many magical bodies of water large enough to conceal such a device within its depths. The Merpeople are assisting in dismantling the thing as we speak. Though it should be pointed out that you have already done most of this work for us."

Draco recalled the dead wizard in the cage. "There was a man in the cage. He had my father' s wand. The one the Ministry experimented on with that tagging spell."

Dumbledore nodded. "That wand is the reason we found you in time. It was quite a Dark Mark you cast," he said, dryly. "They evacuated all of Hogsmeade in less than thirty minutes. Arthur Weasley tells me that is some sort of record."

"That Dark Mark saved us."

"No, Draco. You saved yourself. And Miss Granger, of course. The Copyright 2016 - 2024