The Dragon s bride Page 0,204

have met our families, haven't you?"

"So it's turning out to be Blaise after all," Hermione concluded grimly. The clever, conscientious boy she had befriended a year ago was non-existent. He had never been. She sucked in a fortifying breath and looked at Tonks.

"We have to get word to the authorities before he disappears for good."

Further conversation was stalled by the appearance of Goyle's shaved head at the top of the stairs. "It's clear! Come quickly!"

Tonks went up first, pausing midway up the first flight of steps. Draco was having difficulty lifting his injured leg.

The pain showed clearly on his face as he pulled himself up using the creaky railing. The railing buckled and for a moment, they all thought the entire banister was going to dislodge and fall off.

"Damn," he said, squeezing his eyes shut. His voice was strained. The right leg of his black pants was stained dark with blood. "Granger, give me a minute. You go on ahead."

Hermione was instantly guilty for arguing with him, moments before. She sent a pleading look up at Tonks.

"Can't we do something?"

Goyle was still hanging over the banister. "We have to move now!"

Making an executive decision, Tonks reached down to grab Draco by the forearm. With Hermione's assistance, they got him up the stairs, Tonks pulling, Hermione pushing.

"Give me that," Tonks said, snatching the wand that Draco was holding. She sliced a strip of cloth from her dungeon-wear and fashioned a tourniquet.

"I can use a suture charm on this now, but it' s going to make your leg useless for a minimum of ten minutes, depending on how deep that wound is."

Draco was gritting his teeth as Tonks tightly tied off the strip off cloth. "Do it later."

"Before or after you bleed to death?" Tonks asked dryly.

"Hide! Someone's coming," Goyle suddenly warned.

The four of them flattened themselves against the staircase wall, hidden in the shadows. There were quick, urgent footsteps at the head of the corridor. They were getting closer. There wasn't much time to adjust their hiding positions. Tonks was crouched at Goyle's feet, while Draco pulled Hermione against his chest. She was warm, trembling and blessedly alive.

Holding her close to him did wonders for his constitution. He released an appreciative sigh and then dropped his hand from her waist, to squeeze her bottom lightly.

Hermione gave a little jolt and raised her eyes to stare at him incredulously in the darkness. Already half dead from blood loss and in danger of being all dead, only Draco would think to grope her.

"You're barmy, you know that?"

He managed a weak smile. "Only since I married you."

Hermione looked down at Tonks and saw that she had put a finger to her lips. Tonks raised the wand and soundlessly cast a spell. It took Hermione a moment to work out that they were being enveloped by a concealing glamour. It felt like a cloud of warm air had descended over them.

When she looked up at Draco, she saw that the rough, grey image of the wall behind them seemed to ripple over his face like a liquid blanket.

They remained absolutely still.

Whoever it was passed by them at a run, taking the stairs to the upper floors without realising they were there. Goyle prudently waited a moment before stepping out from under the glamour. At his movement, it dissipated and the air became cool once more.

"Nice," he said to Tonks.

"Amazing what the Auror Academy can teach you, isn't it?" she told him. The hint was sadly lost on him.

"The west exit is that way," he said, pointing to the left of the corridor. "Keep to the trees once you get out."

The sounds outside were growing steadily louder. It sounded like a full-fledged battle was underway. There were blasting noises and shouting and the smaller, more minor explosions. The rescue was obviously coming to a point.

"What's happening here this evening?" Draco asked Goyle with new interest. "I mean, why is Bellatrix visiting in the first place?"

The two friends regarded each other seriously. "For the same reason I' m here. Bellatrix is selecting Death Eater Recruits."

"Recruits? They're all here now?"

Goyle hesitated before he nodded. "Yes. On this floor."

Draco's pretty eyes narrowed. "Show me."

Hermione shook her head. "We don' t have time for this." She looked to Tonks for support. Unfortunately, she found none.

Tonks had a similar, sharpish look in her eyes. "Sorry Hermione, but personally, I' d like to see what Voldemort thinks is going to win the war for him. Lead the way, you," she said Copyright 2016 - 2024