The Dragon s bride Page 0,105

or so. Her right foot started to cramp up. Even Potion Masters had to go to the bathroom sometimes, right?

Miracles upon miracles, Hagrid appeared at the opposite end of the corridor, a monstrous mass carrying a dimly glowing lantern. He beckoned to Snape, and after an obligatory sneer, the Potions Master deserted his post to speak to the Groundskeeper.

Hermione seized her chance. She sprinted the remaining distance and slipped inside the infirmary. In the muted light of the evening, the infirmary was a long, cavernous room that smelled not unpleasantly of disinfectant. The place was definitely more cheerful in the day time, Hermione decided.

She was not experiencing any of the excitement and nervous tension she felt when she had first snuck out of Gryffindor to meet Draco in the Owlery. The danger was so very close to home now and there was nothing remotely fun about what she was doing.

All the beds were empty save for the one nearest to the windows, which had its curtains drawn around it. There was a pair of black, leather school shoes, thrown haphazardly beneath the bed. She noted that there were no chocolates, flowers or cards adorning the bedside table, as was often the case when Harry was admitted.

Perhaps Slytherins did not make a habit of attempting to speed up a fellow student's healing by force-feeding him or her obscene amounts of candy.

Somehow that was a sad thought.

Checking to see that Snape had not returned, Hermione parted the curtains. Being invisible definitely had its merits.

Just one look, she told herself.

She took off the cloak and draped it over the bedside table. Malfoy was sleeping on his stomach, with one hand beside his face, fingers curled. The right side of his head was smeared with some sort of ointment. He looked awfully young with his features so completely relaxed.

There was a cut just above his eyebrow, already magically sealed. The injured area was red and puffy looking, but otherwise, he seemed to be in one piece. He was wearing infirmary-issue pajamas, but the top was so badly buttoned that Hermione suspected he had insisted on putting it on himself. She wondered if it was because he hadn't wanted anyone to ask questions about the tattoo on his back.

There was one pillow on the bed, which he had squashed into ball to make it more substantial. The light sheet that was also standard issue, had been tossed to the floor. His feet were bare and his right foot was hanging off the edge of the bed.

He had really attractive feet.

Ok. She had had her look. But now that she was there, Hermione made up her mind that he was cold.

She made sure that the curtains were once again fully drawn around the bed before she bent down to retrieve the sheet. While she was down there, she picked up his shoes and placed them neatly in a corner. As Hermione went to stand up again, she was startled when the hand that had been lying placidly beside his face, reached up to graze her cheek.

Draco was awake and he was looking at her with the most vulnerable, worried expression. She felt her breath mysteriously lodge inside her chest.

"Couldn' t find him anywhere," he said, sounding nearly on the verge of tears. His eyes were half-lidded and his voice slurred. Hermione relaxed slightly when she realised he was extremely disoriented.

"He always comes when I call."

Hermione draped the sheet over him and then, with only a moment' s hesitation, reached out to hold his hand. "Who couldn't you find, Draco?"

"Brown and shaggy. Smells like stagnant pond," he smiled ruefully at the memory. "Followed me home from the village one day."

He was talking about some long-lost pet, Hermione realised. The dog must have obviously meant a lot to him.

"I'm sorry," she said. And she was, because she knew she was currently glimpsing something intensely private and he was going to hate himself later for telling her.

"Head feels like shite," he whispered, licking his lips. He rolled over with a loud groan and Hermione resisted the urge to shush him. Snape only needed to stick a head into the room to notice her presence.

"Would you like a glass of water?" she asked.

He was squinting at her. Hermione surmised he was probably starting to realize who and where they were.


"Yes, it's Hermione. I've snuck out of dorm to see you." She added the last part in case he decided to be loud again.


She had to grin. He had Copyright 2016 - 2024