The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,99

few who still appeared on the fence. “That is all very well, but what about the home front? Things can’t be allowed to decay here.”

“I agree,” Elijah replied. “Industry should thrive. I suggest lowering the taxes on corporations, so funds can trickle downward, and the middle-class of Malovia can carry the honor of funding our great nation. Of course, high-ranking government officials would also receive large yearly bonuses and favorable retirement funds, in thanks for their service. This would include lords and ladies of the Circle.”

Lord Tremaine’s eyes sparked. He was one of the council members who had several big businesses packed around the city. He didn’t care how many died, so long as he got a tax break and was paid off by Elijah every year.

Lady Magdalina rubbed her eyes tiredly. “Your dismal ideas are truly archaic.”

“There is nothing archaic about it, my lady,” Elijah said coolly. “This was the way the fae once were, and we’ve wandered away from our roots. Only our best and brightest should receive the opportunity to be educated and be employed. There is only so much to go around, and shouldn’t the spoils of success go to people who deserve them, who’ve earned them? The law of nature demands we reward those who are strong enough to survive.”

“Excuse me, young master, but this kind of thinking led to the destruction of the Unseelie fae years ago. It wiped out an entire culture,” Lord Lucien said. I could hear the thin note of anger buried beneath his words. His hands shook.

“And isn’t the world much better now that they aren’t around?” Elijah said.

The Circle murmured in agreement. Steward Solomon raised his hands, and the Circle fell silent. “I think we’ve heard quite enough from you, young maser,” he said. “You are clearly of sound mind, and competent enough to rule the country.”

My mouth fell open in shock. Was he fucking kidding me? Elijah was nuts. He’d just spewed his sick ideology for all to hear, except instead of being rejected, he was being hailed as some kind of hero. I was hoping Steward Soloman would see through Elijah’s bullshit, but he was too apathetic. The large retirement fund Elijah promised was enough to keep him quiet.

I despised him for it.

Steward Soloman, passive fool that he was, called the vote. Everyone, save for Lady Magdalina, Lady Iris, and Lord Lucien, voted in favor of Elijah.

My stomach fell into a bottomless pit. Lord Zlodia and Lady Korva didn’t even need to be here to pressure the Circle into voting his son in. They were doing it all on their own.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say the council finds you fit to rule,” Steward Solomon said, with a nod to Elijah. “Now we will question your mate.”

The council turned to Gabby. My insides churned with fear. The confusion potion was our only chance. The council had to approve both of them to put Elijah on the throne. If Gabby failed, Elijah wouldn’t pass.

“Miss Ciar, if you please, can you elaborate on your mate’s ideas?” Soloman asked.

I learned forward, on the edge of my seat. This has to work.

Gabby shook her hair behind her shoulder. “As is a sorceress’s duty, I stand by my mate. However, I would like to add some concepts of my own.”

Gabby had answered the question precisely. No confusion showed on her face, or in her words. What the hell? The potion wasn’t working on her!

No. That couldn’t be right. The potion had worked on Stefan. We knew it was viable. So why wasn’t it working its magic on Gabby?

“Can you elaborate?” Lady Iris asked.

Gabby smiled. “I wish to bring Malovia into a new world by taking down our border wall, and letting our monsters roam free.”

This was the first time the Circle seemed shocked by anything either of them had said. Lord Tremaine gaped as he said, “Dear girl, why would you want to do a thing like that?”

Gabby took a deep breath. “Why shouldn’t we? We live in fear of humans, but is there a real need? Yes, they outnumber us, but though they have technology, we have magic. If Elijah is able to unite the supernatural races under one banner, we can come together and unveil ourselves to the humans. Aren’t we tired of hiding? Aren’t we tired of running from the inevitable? Fae used to have dealings with humans for centuries, until the other supernatural races prevented us from having any contact with them. If we let our monsters Copyright 2016 - 2024