The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,96

has hundreds. It’ll take them all day to figure out which door was the one that was cursed. If Odette and I can keep it going long enough, they’ll never make it to the meeting.”

“You’d have our fullest gratitude,” I told him.

“Then we’d better hurry,” Odette squeaked. Theo changed into an alicorn, and Odette climbed onto his back.

They galloped off. Emma tucked the potion jar into her coat. “I have to get going. Don’t want to leave any loose ends.”

“Stay safe, onawilke.” I leaned in to kiss her. A thrill went through me as she put a hand up to stroke my hair, and she gave a wink as she darted away.

She’d told me she loved me. Ever since, I’d felt like the most powerful man on earth. I could do anything with Emma by my side. With her love urging me onward.

As endearing as it was, it was also a problem. She was that much closer to finding out about the Phantom.

I couldn’t think about that now. My full attention needed to be on the task. I headed to the royal palace, to get ready for the trials. As I fastened my blue hussar’s jacket within the confines of my room, I felt a lump forming in my throat, and my fingers fiddled with the golden buttons.

This was it. We had to succeed, and get the Circle to refuse Elijah the throne. It was a long shot— I didn’t know anyone who’d ever failed the trials of competency. But there was no other choice. They had to; otherwise, I’d have to result in more violent methods.

And that wasn’t something I was willing to do. Not yet.

I passed time by pacing around my room and throwing glances out the window, to see if I could spot Emma. I caught a glimpse of her red mane just as I’d worn a hole in the floor from my worry. Emma met me in the palace gardens around eight o’clock, in the same place we’d discovered the windfarers. As my mate, she had full run of the royal grounds, but the guards usually scowled at her whenever she slipped in. They still considered her a cheat from the Contest. I scouted the area to make sure we were alone before we came together to talk.

“Done,” Emma said breathlessly. “She drank it without thinking twice.”

“Perfect. Did you notice any change?”

Emma shook her head. “No. But I’m sure it’ll take effect soon.”

“Good.” I brushed off my suit. “How was practice?”

“I was terrible. Too nervous.” Emma scowled. “I hope I wasn’t too obvious.”

She sighed. “I wish I could come with you.”

“All you can do now is pray, onawilke.” I clapped her on the shoulder. “I hope the gods are on our side.”

Emma paled. “But Droga is on theirs.”

“The Dark God can’t defeat us. Not unless we choose to accept our fate,” I told her. “And we aren’t going down without a fight.”

Trumpets sounded behind me, signaling the arrival of Gabby and Elijah. I squeezed Emma’s hands. “I have to go. Stay vigilant.”

Emma nodded. She backed away to return to campus as I strode toward the palace.

The competency trials were to take place in the royal throne room, amongst the congregation of the Circle. I entered the massive space. A long red rug ran along a marble floor, to steps that went upward to host two large wooden thrones, backs carved with the designs of fae and shifters. Banners hung from the ceiling, portraying the Faction symbols of previous kings. My footsteps echoed as sunlight shone through the stained-glass windows lining the gargantuan walls. Gabby and Elijah stood at the head of the room, near the thrones, while several Circle members sat in chairs that were aligned in an arc around them. I headed toward the chair on the end, away from the Circle.

Elijah sneered the moment he saw me. “What are you doing here?” he seethed. “You shouldn’t have been allowed in.”

“Prince Ethan has the right to be here, despite his crimes in the Contest,” Lord Lucien said fairly. “His royal blood gives him the benefit.”

Elijah wrinkled his nose, but didn’t say anything more. With pleasure, I saw that Lord Zlodia and Lady Korva hadn’t made it.

Steward Solomon looked around uneasily. “Where are Lord Zlodia and Lady Korva? It is past the time to begin.”

“We cannot start without them,” Lady Iris said, but not many shared her sentiment. I noticed many members of the Circle relaxed as they heard the two were missing, while others even Copyright 2016 - 2024