The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,94

mindset in them.”

Agrippa’s gaze narrowed. That was obviously a personal jibe. “It’s no surprise this girl’s your daughter,” Agrippa said, waving a hand. “The Sosna family was never very good at achieving greatness. Being average is fine as far as you’re concerned.”

I gave an outraged sound. Mom had been a beautiful ballerina, and a great skater. Yeah, she never made it to the big-time, but so what? She had fun doing what she loved, and there were tons of athletes who couldn’t even come close to her skill.

Agrippa’s snide comments didn’t phase my mother. Mom took my hand and said, “I make sure to tend to my daughter’s mental health. I can’t say the same for you.”

Agrippa’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “Well, when you’re on the way to the top, sacrifices must be made.”

Mom’s tone was cool. “Indeed. Come, Emma.”

Mom yanked on my hand, and I had no choice but to follow her. Odette’s eyes were begging me not to leave her— my own watered, and I hope she caught the love within them.

Delmare and Kiara were waiting outside. Igor was looking surly— Mom rounded on him and barked, “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Igor shrunk back before he wandered off, muttering things under his breath. The music in the studio started up again. Behind us, I heard Agrippa barking orders at Odette to pick up the pace, and my blood boiled.

“You girls need to listen to me,” Mom said as she looked at me, Kiara and Delmare. “Odette has made her choice. You have to respect it.”

“Respect it!” I burst. “She’s starving herself! She’s wasting away in that studio!” I pointed— Kiara and Delmare looked at the floor.

Mom gave a long, drawn-out sigh. She glanced through the glass at Agrippa. Agrippa caught her gaze and sneered, closing the blinds.

“Listen to me. I’ve been through this before,” Mom said. “Agrippa and I were the closest of friends at Arcanea University. But we fell apart when she let her career take over our friendship. I suggest you back off on having a relationship with Odette. She’s just as devoted as her mother to ballet, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Odette is nothing like that horrible woman,” I spat.

“Agrippa was once sweet and kind as well. It’s what made us such good friends,” Mom said. “But people change, and Odette’s priorities are on the stage. Just as yours are on the ice.”

“I would never let myself get to this level. You wouldn’t let me,” I protested.

“Because I’m a mother who values my child more than her accomplishments,” Mom said slowly. “Agrippa isn’t that way. She lost her chance to be a successful ballerina. She can have it again if she can live through Odette.”

“It’s just wrong. Odette isn’t doing this for herself, she’s doing it for her!” I burst.

“But that’s not your choice to make. Odette is a grown woman. And her mistakes are her own to make,” Mom said. “She’ll never get better if you force her, Emma.”

My stomach churned. Mom smoothed her bun and replied in a soft voice, “I know you love Odette, but trying to save her is only going to bring you a world of pain. You just have to accept that some people can’t be helped. You can’t save people from themselves. Trust me. I know.”

Mom’s voice was somber with all the unspoken things that had passed between her and Agrippa years ago. But even so, I wasn’t going to allow history to repeat itself. Though Mom escorted us out, I vowed not to leave Odette behind unless there was no other choice.

Odette had been my first friend. She was my best friend. And unlike my mother, I wasn’t going to stop fighting for her.

Chapter Thirteen


“Is it ready, Delmare?”

Delmare sat on the floor of an abandoned classroom off the fourth wing of the university. She stirred a cauldron slowly, focusing with intent concentration. Stefan leaned against the wall behind her, while Emma and I stood overhead. Sunlight from dawn was breaking through the windows. It was incredibly early, as shown by the shadows on all our faces.

“Almost,” Delmare said. She took a ladle and poured a small amount of the brew into a jar. “I hope we got this one right.”

I hoped so, too. This was our only shot— there were no backup plans. Gabby and Elijah’s trials of competency were today, and if they didn’t fail, they’d be coronated by May. We were here to make sure that didn’t happen. We had two Copyright 2016 - 2024