The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,86

separate penalty boxes. It was worth it, to see the blood streaked across Elijah’s face.

“Team A will receive a five-minute major penalty for having a brawl between two of their own players!” the announcer bellowed. “I’ve been announcing for twenty years, and I’ve never seen anything like it, folks! Looks like Ethan Nowak is taking out some of his frustration at losing the crown to his dear little cousin!”

Stefan’s penalty expired, so they let him out of the box to put Elijah and myself in. Our team tried to defend the net, but Team C scored another goal.

My insides churned. I’d accused Elijah of putting himself first, but if I was honest, I’d done the same thing. I was so frustrated with him I allowed my anger to hurt the team. By the time I was back on the ice again, there was only a few minutes left in the game, and my teammates had tied it up— but I knew if we didn’t wrap up this game now, we were in trouble.

My team always lost in overtime. We just didn’t have the stamina for it. We had to score another goal in this period, and end the game now.

Lucien had the sense to switch our lines, and keep Elijah on the boards while I gave it the best I had. Stefan was out with me— my hands shook as I held my stick, but we won the face off. Stefan passed the puck to Yan, who passed it to me, and I passed it back. We played keep-away with the Team C players, who were fed up with our tactics and looking to teach us a lesson.

The goal loomed near. There were seconds remaining on the clock— Stefan passed the puck to me, and the world fell away as I took a one-timer shot, holding my breath. I’d done this a million times before, yet every time I did, it always felt like the first.

That shot was like a rocket. It ricocheted off my stick and flew past the goalie, sinking into the goal. The buzzer sounded, and the game was over.

A roar went across the crowd, compounded by groans from the Team C fans. A delighted yell rose over the stadium— it was Emma. She was jumping up and down and cheering. I beamed at her, proud that I’d pulled off a last-minute win out of my ass.

It was all for her.

My team stormed the ice and formed around me in a massive huddle, bumping helmets with me and clapping me on the back. I had the thought it really was stupid of me to consider quitting hockey— even if we’d lost today, I loved playing with these guys. It was one of my passions, and hockey had been my first love. I’d never give that up, even if I had to play with my poor sport of a cousin.

Elijah didn’t even get in line to shake the hands of the Team C players. He left the ice before we’d received the first congratulations on our win.

“What a little bitch,” Stefan said. Lucien had noticed, too, but he didn’t go after Elijah to lecture him— gods, was he afraid of what the repercussions would be, too? Being the future king didn’t give Eli a free pass for everything. I didn’t get that kind of treatment as prince.

But that was the difference. I didn’t scare people. Elijah did.

Emma threw her arms around me once I was out of the locker room and in the lobby. “Congratulations!” she squealed. She hugged me tightly— I embraced her back, feeling joy radiate all over my body. Getting a welcome like that after winning a game meant everything to me. I wanted to make her proud of me. I hoped I did that today.

“Eh, you did all right,” Delmare said while munching on a soft pretzel. “I’ve seen better.”

Stefan threw his arm around her shoulder and took a bite out of her pretzel. “Did you see that massive hit? Shows you how strong I am, baby.”

Delmare rolled her eyes.

Kiara lifted her fountain drink and said, “Party in the Rec Room?”

There were shouts of agreement, and we headed back to campus. The Rec Room was packed when we got there. A couple of dragon shifters had brought out kegs and were distributing mugs around the room. Quite a few team members from Team A were already here with their friends and mates, celebrating the win. Team C players were also scattered around the area, Copyright 2016 - 2024