The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,77

kind to kiss and tell.

Theo placed a mug into Ethan’s hand. “Have a drink, my friend.”

There was Theo. I needed to talk to him. But Odette was here— I couldn’t ask to speak with him in private now.

“Are you doing okay, Alexei?” I asked. I knew he was a griffin, and therefore, had empathy powers that he struggled with. It was an emotional overload for him to be here with all these people.

He nodded. “I’m good. It doesn’t bother me.”

That was a nice surprise. Kiara grasped his hand and said, “We’ve been working on our shields. He’s doing so much better.”

Alexei blushed, and I happily helped myself to a serving of sauerkraut and polish sausage. Those two were so cute together. I couldn’t wait for the day they admitted they liked each other.

There was sudden applause and cheering that roared over the crowd, and the band stopped playing. I looked up. The food in my mouth soured as I saw Gabby and Elijah walk into the tent, led by a procession created by the Circle. As they walked onstage, I noticed Ethan’s expression visibly drop.

Lord Zlodia raised his hands, and the applause died down. “Let us rejoice, for not only do we celebrate the arrival of spring, but the upcoming crowning of a new king!”

The Arcanea cheered. Ethan stared into his mug— his fingers were white from him gripping it so tight.

I put a hand on his knee. “Do you want to get out of here?”

He scowled. “I’d have to leave Malovia altogether to be rid of Elijah, and that is something I will not do. Might as well stay here.”

Our friends eyed him, but Ethan only downed his tankard. Gabby strolled forward onstage, and Lord Zlodia cried, “I’d like to introduce my soon to be daughter-in-law, and the future queen, Gabriella Ciar!”

Gabby dipped her self-righteous head, and a few sorceresses in the crowd screamed like she was a popstar— probably Melissa and Morgan. Zlodia gestured for Gabby to come to center stage and stated, “A presentation of our future queen’s power, for all the Arcanea to see. Show them, my dear.”

Gabby fixated her eyes forward. I swore they drilled into me, and she smirked before she raised her hands, using her magic to change the tent into an illusion of magic.

The surrounding area changed. The tables and benches disappeared— myself and the hundreds of the Arcanea within became surrounded by a nighttime forest. My stomach clenched as I turned in my seat— shadowy creatures roamed in and out of the leaves of the forest, their eyes upon me like they wanted a snack, and I was it. The moon shone red from above, and the skies were wiped of stars. The dark light made everything look coated in blood.

An awful feeling of dread crept up in my chest, though I didn’t know where it came from. People screamed in terror, and I heard the children in the tent cry, but I kept my tears held in.

It was only an illusion, I knew. I could see the telltale signs of wispiness at the edges of my vision, betraying that this was unreal. But it was a terrifying illusion nonetheless. I gazed at the faces of my friends. Odette had her hands over her eyes, and was leaning into Theo, who rubbed her arms for support. Stefan and Delmare wore grim expressions. Alexei had his eyes held tightly shut, while Kiara whispered things to try to comfort him.

Ethan acted like nothing was going on at all, merely poured himself another ale and kept on drinking, refusing to look at either Gabby or Elijah. I felt thoroughly miserable.

The illusion ended, and the tent reappeared. Gabby looked very pleased with herself. Many people remained quiet, white and shocked faces resonating throughout, but many others clapped and cheered with approval. Elijah and Lord Zlodia both held their heads high, bursting with pride.

I scowled. This was a spring festival. Gabby could’ve made a pretty spring picture for everyone to enjoy, but instead, she made a nightmare to terrify them.

Because that was her plan. Gabby wanted people to be scared of her. She wanted the people to fear her. That was the only way she could keep them in line. Showing off like she did in the middle of the festival was one way to gain the favor— or fear— of her subjects. Her goal was to either impress or intimidate, and she’d done both.

As the crowd continued to praise Gabby, my friends and I ducked Copyright 2016 - 2024