The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,55

the hallway. It’d become a habit of ours to do so when we could. We were drawn together like magnets, or moths to a flame. We didn’t hold hands— instead, he held out his arm, and I looped my own around it, moving as a unit.

It was the prince in him, to guide a lady around in such a refined way. But it didn’t feel formal. It felt right. No one cast a second glance at us, but still... the feelings churning around inside of my gut were a combination of guilt and adoration. How could I hold Ethan so close when he didn’t truly know what I was?

I smirked. My gymnastics lessons back in Detroit had paid off during the fight with Ethan. I hadn’t taken them for very long— liked skating more, to be honest— but I still had the ability to do many of the flips I’d learned, and it’d come in handy. His freaking mouth had dropped open when I’d done that flip. It’d been hilarious.

The Phantom was shocked the White Rose could keep up with him in a fight, but Ethan was the one who had taught me how to duel. I could counter him, and even better, I knew all his tricks. That gave me an advantage. I’d been slow when I cut him the other night— I just wanted to hurt him enough to serve as a warning.

I wasn’t sure if he’d gotten the message through his thick skull. I sure hoped.

He’d been tailing the Black Claw, who’d been transporting a large monster in a cage to... somewhere. I was curious what they were doing as well, and kind of wanted Ethan to follow them, so we could unearth this mystery. But Gabby’s warning rang out in my mind, and I’d interfered. Whatever the cult was planning, it wasn’t worth Ethan’s life.

“Here we are, Miss Sosna,” Ethan replied as we stopped at the doorway that led to Introduction to Portals. “I regret leaving you, but I’m sure Lucien wouldn’t want me posing as a distraction.”

I lifted a small smile. “Distraction, you? Never.”

Ethan made a low, sexy sound, and Fuck if it didn’t make my legs go to water. Ethan gave me a quick kiss. Though our lips only met for a few seconds, it felt like my feet lifted off the ground. By the time he walked away, my head was still spinning.

He made me feel breathless with a single touch. Shifters, I tell you.

I ventured into the classroom, but all thoughts of Ethan slipped away when I realized that it was empty except for two people... Lord Lucien, and the one woman who’d been wandering my nightmares for weeks.

Queen Antonia lifted an eyebrow. “Hello, Emmaline.”

My mouth ran dry. I couldn’t speak. Ethan’s mother was here, in the school— and she didn’t look happy to see me.

“Class is canceled today, at the queen’s request,” Lucien said. His eyes darted to Antonia. “If I can get you anything, my queen—”

“That will be all.” Queen Antonia abruptly cut him off. “You may go. I wish to speak with her alone.”

Lucien’s mouth thinned. He didn’t want to leave me with her, but she was a freaking queen, so it wasn’t like he had a choice. He strode out quietly, closing the door behind him.

Don’t lock me in here with her, I thought desperately, but too late. He already had.

Queen Antonia’s voice was cool. “I warned you what would happen if you cost my son the King’s Contest. And you have failed miserably.”

If I could sink into the stone tiles on the floor, I would. Last time I’d faced the queen, I was fierce.

I couldn’t be this time. I hadn’t owned up to my word. I knew she’d make me pay for it. “I’m sorry.”

“Your pitiful apologies are no use to me!” Queen Antonia yelled. She lost her temper— her voice came out in a powerful rage as she cursed me. “You are a low-life commoner who caused my son to lose everything!”

Tears were welling in my eyes. I wanted to say that Milonna had sent a hag to tell me to do it— but she wouldn’t believe me. Or even care.

“You have shamed my son’s name and brought it down into the mud,” Queen Antonia spat. “You used filthy Unseelie magic. You are lucky I don’t smite you where you stand.”

She was making me feel like I was all wrong for Ethan. My lip wavered, but I refused to let any tears fall— Lady Magdalina had Copyright 2016 - 2024