The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,44

gaped. “But why do you think I’m Unseelie? I thought any fae could use dark magic?”

“Yes, but not so much at once. I didn’t understand just how powerful an object it was until I watched you use it in the King’s Contest,” Kiara said. “That you survived at all must mean you have a close Unseelie relative in your bloodline. You’re their descendent.”

I became breathless. Me, part Unseelie? It couldn’t be.

At the same time... it was the only thing that made sense.

“We should tell the others about this,” I said. “It’s important.”

“I agree,” Kiara said, before she added, “Though this is something we need to keep within the group. If people knew you had Unseelie blood, they’d think you were pure evil. They wouldn’t trust you, and try to hurt you.”

I scoffed. “Well, too late for that.”

“You’ve got enough enemies, Emma. You don’t need to make more,” Kiara said disapprovingly. “But what is it you wanted to ask me?”

“Well, I was kind of confused by Lucien’s lecture,” I said. “Lucien said that not all fae go to the Great Hunting Grounds after death. So if you don’t go to the Great Hunting Grounds, where do you go?”

“To the Underworld,” she clarified. “It’s a horrible place.”

“Is it hell?”

“Many cultures have a version of it. To the Elementai, it’s a place where you’re separated from your loved ones. You watch them die in a place of never ending rest,” she said. “To the Miriamic Coven, it’s a land of endless physical torture. Your body is mutilated, only to regenerate and be tortured over and over again.”

That made me sick to hear. “What about us?”

“Our Underworld? It’s not a happy place.” She shivered. “There isn’t physical pain, and you don’t see your loved ones die, but you’re alone in a mansion of your own creation. You’re always hungry to the point of starvation, but no matter how much you eat, it doesn’t satisfy the hunger. You’re desperately thirsty, but the water never quenches your thirst. You have endless riches and every material thing you ever wanted, but you get no enjoyment or happiness from them. Nothing satisfies the longing inside of you. The gods ignore your pleading and prayers. Worst of all, there’s no one to talk to or share your loneliness with. There’s nothing but your thoughts. You’re cut off from any light or love that you ever may experience. You’re stuck in the endless cycle of your own greed... forever.”

My guts twisted. “If that’s true, why would anyone— Black Claw or otherwise— agree to follow Droga? Why would Gabby and Elijah swear themselves to the Underworld just to suffer in the afterlife?”

“For power,” she said. “It’s thought that once Droga is raised again, he’ll defeat Tomir and take over the Great Hunting Grounds before he conquers Edinmyre, Malovia and the rest of Earth. He’s promised his followers great magic if they risk the Underworld for him, along with eternal life. Some people are willing to exchange some time spent in hell for the chance to become supreme and immortal rulers of both Earth and Edinmyre, if Droga succeeds.”

The Black Claw’s mission became chillingly clear. If they used my blood to successfully raise Droga, and if Droga managed to defeat Tomir and the other gods, he’d take control, and his followers would rule over us all. Elijah and Gabby had signed up to follow Droga on the hope he’d reward them with immortal power. They probably figured they’d never even spend any time in hell anyway, because they were young and would be alive by the time Droga came back. He’d put them on the throne forever in thanks of serving him.

Elijah and Gabby’s rule wasn’t just a temporary position. It was a permanent one. They’d live into eternity and Malovia would never be free.

What a fucking nightmare.

Kiara frowned. “You see what we’re dealing with.”

“If that’s true, how can you be okay with not doing anything about this?” I asked in frustration. “Doesn’t it go against a griffin’s ideals for two rulers to be on the throne for literal eternity?”

Kiara hesitated. “Yes. But there’s more to it.”

“Then tell me,” I pleaded. “We can work something out.”

Kiara’s eyes wandered. Someone walked by— Alexei. He was with Theo, who seemed kind of depressed... on account of Odette going on a date with another man, I bet.

Alexei smiled and waved as he passed. Kiara waved back, a blush rising in her cheeks.

The reason for her refusal to help was clear. Kiara wasn’t holding back on Copyright 2016 - 2024