The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,29

tone was frustrated. “This is the only way.”

I think Ethan shoved past Stefan, because I heard a rustling noise and nothing more. I held my breath, fearing Stefan was going to round the corner, but the footsteps drew farther away instead of closer. He must’ve gone another way.

I dared to peek my head out, and I saw both boys were gone. I picked up the pace and hustled down the hallway, working on instinct until I saw Ethan up ahead. I ducked behind a few statues of armor, and watched as he took an iron doorway that I hadn’t seen anyone else use before.

I darted forward after the door closed behind him, but when I tried the knob, it was locked.

I had to look for him elsewhere. He’d mentioned something earlier about heading toward the forest, to the west side near the boundary wall. I’d start the search for him there.

But the mask wasn’t enough. If I was going to tail Ethan around, especially in public, and stop him from interfering with the Black Claw, I needed a bigger disguise.

The armor in the window of the shop came to mind. It was perfect... but I couldn’t walk in and buy it without providing evidence that I was a vigilante myself when the police started looking, not to mention the shop wouldn’t open up until tomorrow, and I needed the armor now.

I hurried off campus and through the streets of Dolinska. I knew it wasn’t safe out here for a young girl all alone, but I wasn’t the defenseless little woman I’d been a semester ago. I’d been practicing my magic for months now, and realized the strength of my power when I had won the duel in the Contest. I could protect myself.

I came to the shop window. I tried the door, but it was locked. As I stood in front of the window I saw my scared reflection stare back at me, the armor creating a silhouette around my form.

Am I really doing this? I wasn’t a thief.

It was to protect Ethan. If he destroyed the Black Claw hideout, wherever it was, Gabby would retaliate and I’d lose him. I couldn’t let that happen. I was serious about us. I’d die for my mate, and if it meant resorting to burglary to keep him safe... so be it.

Lady Magdalina was right. Sometimes you had to be ruthless to get what you wanted.

I placed a hand against the glass. As I closed my eyes, I imagined cracks spreading over the glass, creating an intricate web that caused the window to crumble inward. I pushed the illusion forward, forcing it upon reality though the image was only in my head.

My illusion was so powerful the glass shattered. The minute the window was broken a screeching alarm blazed through the night, creating pain in my eardrums.

I crawled through the broken window, ignoring the sound of the alarm. As I reached for the armor I saw a thin blue dagger lying on the counter, a short distance away.

I had my magic, but I was certain Ethan was carrying a weapon as well. I needed one to protect myself. My sword was back in my dorm and was too heavy to carry around when I was trying to be discreet. I dug in my pocket and placed some money on the counter to pay for the armor and dagger. It was all the funds I had.

Heart pounding, I grabbed both the dagger and the armor and ran off, arms full. Lights from buildings ignited and doors opened as people around the area wondered what was going on, but I was out of there long before anyone saw me.

In a darkened alley a block away, I changed. I slipped the leather shoulder pads, breastplate and bracers over my sweater before I pulled the pants over my school tights. I yanked the white cloak around me, tying it at my front, before I put on the white mask and threw the cloak’s hood over my hair.

Before I headed off, I took a deep breath. I cast an illusion, to modify the sound of my voice, before I did another spell to change the color of my hair. It went from red to brown as I imagined the spell, eyes changing from green to blue.

Once it was finished, I wavered. I had to place a hand on the wall to steady myself, but the magic held.

I was tired. I’d done a lot today, and my magic was Copyright 2016 - 2024