The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,142

No Marked has that kind of power,” Ethan argued.

But his debate fell flat, for another deer was in the forest. But she was different from all the rest. My lungs froze as I took in the sight of the white doe in front of us, her golden mane appearing like a halo around her small face. Her root-like antlers had grown leaves that were larger than the first time I had seen her, budding with spring flowers. The same beautiful light I loved shone around her as birds nested within her antlers.

Milonna. My goddess. She was resting by the waterfall, as if she’d been waiting for us to arrive the whole time.

“Goddess,” Ethan gasped, and he sank into a low bow. The other shifters followed his lead, while Kiara, Delmare and Odette curtsied, nearly touching the ground.

Milonna’s black eyes fell upon me. Come, my champion, Milonna said softly. Sit close, and bring your friends near. It is time I sent you onward toward your destiny.

My friends approached cautiously, though I more or less ran to her, flinging myself at her feet. I collapsed at her silver hooves and said, “I have missed you, goddess.”

I have missed you, my champion. I have heard your prayers and received your offerings. You are ready to begin your journey, Milonna spoke.

It was then that Milonna changed before my very eyes. She became a woman. Small velvet antlers sprouted out of her head, white spots like that of a fawn painted across her wild eyes and over her cheekbones. The dress she wore was thin and white. Roots grew around her arms and over her skin, and her blonde hair was adorned with feathers and small braids. She was middle-aged in appearance, kindly and motherly, lines at the corners of her mouth.

Milonna waved a hand. Come, my children. It is safe here for you.

Ethan carefully laid down, wrapping himself around me. Delmare, Kiara and Odette spread out their skirts as they sat on the grass. The other shifters copied Ethan’s lead, tucking their bodies close to the girls as they observed Milonna with reverence.

“Why have you brought us here, goddess?” I asked.

I desired for you to come here, though you brought yourself, Milonna replied. You are the Worldweaver. You are the only one who can open and close portals to Edinmyre. I sent out a call for you to join me, and your friend heard it.

Odette squealed in joy, but Theo hushed her.

I drew closer to Milonna. “Why are we changed like... this?” I waved my hand over my new wolf ears.

This is how the fae sorceresses used to look. We took on the features of our shifters, here in Edinmyre. In the old times, our Companions could only change into men to make love to us, and give us the gift of a new child, Milonna explained.

“And what do you ask of me?” I said. “I know I’m asking so many questions, but I’ll do whatever you desire.”

I have brought you here to save the fae, for their time is running short, Milonna responded.

I braced myself, threading my hands through Ethan’s coat. “What do you mean?”

Nothing deteriorates in Edinmyre. If a flower grows, it will not die, save for if someone kills it, Milonna began. Edinmyre is an endless land, a world of perfect magic. The fae were meant to be immortal here, but the war between the Seelie and the Unseelie fae could not exist in such a perfect world. I and my fellow gods banished the fae from this land, so they could continue their battles on Earth, a flawed landscape with much sorrow.

Milonna continued her story. The fae were banished nearly a thousand years ago. But all fae magic comes from Edinmyre, and our connection to this land. Every supernatural on Earth draws their magic from a sustenance called life energy. Shifters and sorceresses gain their life energy from Edinmyre. I am here to tell you that this connection is dying, champion.

“Dying?” My voice was weak in my throat. Ethan stiffened beside me.

After the portal was closed, Neva, the goddess of time, put a loop on this world, Milonna replied. Time does not pass here, but after hundreds of years, that loop is about to end. The fae can only remain unconnected from Edinmyre for so long. Soon, Neva’s magic will cease, and time will return to Edinmyre again. Once it does, a thousand years will pass in the blink of an eye, and the portal shall close permanently, never to Copyright 2016 - 2024