The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,140

you look very cute with wolf ears,” Odette gushed. “It suits your style.”

There was a crashing sound behind me. I watched as the rest of my friends came flooding through. Delmare and Kiara were first— their features were similarly changed, to resemble that of a griffin and dragon’s.

As Kiara got off the ground, her expression widened when she saw Odette and I. She reached to the top of her head, feeling her feathery yellow griffin ears, like those of an owl’s, and a long lion’s tail. Her wings were similar to a dragonfly’s, golden and shimmering. The yellow dress she was wearing was nearly identical to mine, except the sleeves were so long they draped onto the ground, reminding me of the robes priestesses wore.

“Okay, I’m totally keeping these horns,” Delmare said as she felt them. She’d sprouted large black horns, and a scaly tail that resembled Stefan’s. Black, leathery wings like that of a dragon beat at her side. Her dress exposed her shoulders and clung to her body like spiderwebs, the black lace embracing her curves as a red corset held everything in place.

Alexei was next to follow. He easily walked through the willow’s portal, coming to Kiara and nudging her with his beak. “You all right?”

“I’m fine,” Kiara said. She was taking in the scenery with an awed expression, unable to believe where we were.

Ethan slid on through. He was a wolven, and he tumbled head over heels as he pulled through the Willow Maiden. It looked like the tree had spat him out, which was quite funny. He staggered to his feet, flashing his fangs as he whirled on me.

“Dammit, Emma! I thought I told you to wait,” he growled.

“I’ve never been very good at listening,” I said.

Ethan lifted his lip in a growl, until he saw the wolven ears on top of my head. He tilted his gaze and took in the sight of us girls, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Stefan was the last. The Willow Maiden groaned as he passed through, like it was giving birth to a monster. The tree expanded, growing outward. Stefan clawed his way to land as a black dragon, giving low growls. The tree finally released her hold, and he yanked free with considerable effort.

The dragon shook his head and snorted out embers as he said, “Big dragon. Little tree. Physics don’t work out well.”

Alexei sniffed the air and ruffled his feathers. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know,” I said slowly. “I’ve never seen this land before.” Had my spell done this? It was insane.

“What magic is this? I can’t— change back,” Theo said, like he was trying and failing.

“Me, either,” Stefan complained. “I’m stuck in my scales.”

“Looks like we’re unable to shift until we get out of here, boys,” Ethan said. “Let’s turn around.”

Ethan ran at the tree. He jumped, planning to pass through the willow’s portal— but slammed into it headfirst and went crashing down.

“Ethan!” I ran to his side. I knelt by his head as he groaned, rubbing it with his paw.

“Brilliant plan, genius,” Delmare said. “No need to test it first.”

Kiara stepped forward. She braced her hands against the Willow Maiden and pushed, but the portal didn’t give way. Her face paled as shock shone in her features.

“The portal’s closed. We can’t go back,” Kiara said, a slight edge of panic in her voice. “Does that mean we’re stuck here?”

A lump grew in my throat as Ethan climbed to his feet. “I don’t know. Maybe we should look for help.”

“Try the spell again,” Theo insisted.

I did. I recited the incantation that had gotten us here, but it didn’t work to open up the tree’s portal.

Stefan stomped his foot. “Great. We’re trapped.”

“Why would you want to leave here? This place is amazing!” Odette sang, twirling on the spot. Her butterfly wings fluttered, and she rose a few inches off the ground.

“Not to ruin your fun, dear Odette, but we do have exams on Monday, and I would very much like to take them,” Theo quipped.

I rolled my eyes. It was like Theo to think of class when we were in a new environment and didn’t know how to get back home.

Odette stuck out her lip. “I guess you’re right,” she admitted in a sad voice. “But we simply must stay for dinner!”

“If we can find it,” I said. Odette was acting like we’d come across a fast food joint. I grabbed Ethan’s scruff and pulled myself onto his back. “Come on, guys. Let’s head into that forest.” Copyright 2016 - 2024